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Preface; Organising Committee; Core Committee; Organising Committee; Program Committee; Contents; About the Editors; 1 A Novice Approach for Web Application Security; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Survey; 3 Problem Statement; 4 Proposed Model: Model for Remote Database Health Check; 4.1 Objectives of Model; 4.2 Overview; 5 Testing; 5.1 Testing Environment; 5.2 Test Scenarios; 6 Results; 6.1 Results; 6.2 Performance; 6.3 Comparison; 6.4 Comparison of Proposed Model with Top 3 Vulnerability Scanners; 7 Conclusion and Future Work; References

2 Correlation Between Text Book Usage and Academic Performance of Student in Higher Education Using 'R'Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Objectives of Study; 3 Literature Review; 3.1 Related Work: Education Mining; 3.2 Related Work: Correlation and Regression; 4 Experiment; 4.1 Data Extraction and Transformation; 4.2 Technique: Correlation; 4.3 Technique: Linear Regression; 5 Results and Discussion; 6 Conclusion; 7 Future Work; References; 3 Human Computer Interaction Through Hand Gestures for Home Automation Using Microsoft Kinect; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Review

3 Proposed Algorithm4 Hand Segmentation; 5 Image Pre-processing; 6 Feature Set and Classifier; 7 Experimental Results; 8 Conclusion; References; 4 Enhancement of Security in IoTSyS Framework; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Motivation; 2 IoTSyS Framework; 2.1 IoTSyS Architecture; 2.2 IoTSyS Existing Security Mechanism; 3 Limitation of Existing System; 4 Proposed Approach; 5 Comparison of Various Security Approaches; 6 Conclusion; References; 5 Segmentation and Recognition of Fingers Using Microsoft Kinect; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Review; 3 Suggested Algorithm

4 Segmentation of Hand5 Processing; 6 Feature Extraction and Classification; 7 Conclusion and Future Work; References; 6 Randomness Evaluation of ZUC, SNOW and GRAIN Stream Ciphers; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Survey; 3 Working of Various Ciphers; 3.1 ZUC 1.6 Cipher; 3.2 SNOW 3G Cipher; 3.3 GRAIN v1 Cipher; 3.4 WG-7 Cipher; 3.5 DECIM v2 Cipher; 4 Comparative Analysis; 5 Conclusion; References; 7 MSECHP: More Stable Election of Cluster Head Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work; 2.1 Our Contribution; 3 Radio Model

3.1 Transmission Energy3.2 Receiving Energy; 4 Our MSECHP Protocol; 4.1 Cluster Optimization; 4.2 Cluster Head Appointment; 5 Simulation; 5.1 Simulation Parameters; 5.2 Result of MSECHP Protocol; 6 Conclusion and Future Work; References; 8 Use of ICT for Development of Smart City-Ahmedabad; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Problem Definition and Motivation; 3 Literature Survey; 3.1 Defining Smart City; 3.2 Smart City Features and Solutions; 3.3 Study of Top Smart Cities in the World; 3.4 Mobile Apps for Smart City; 3.5 AMC Mobile Portal (AMC CCRS)

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