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Series Editor's Preface; Preface; Project Team; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Editors; 1 Bridging the Technology Gap: Linking IITs with ITIs; Abstract; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 MoLE Center at IITK; 1.3 Objectives; 1.4 Planning and Infrastructure; 1.5 A Way Forward; 2 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem at IIT Kanpur: A Journey of Serendipity; Abstract; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 The Genesis; 2.3 The Learning Curve; 2.4 Nurturing the Environment; 2.4.1 Developing R&D Infrastructure; 2.4.2 Promoting Entrepreneurship at &!blank; Student Level; 2.4.3 Initiating Outreach Programmes

2.5 Evolution of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem2.5.1 Incubation Centres; 2.5.2 Portfolio; 2.5.3 IP and Technology Transfer; 2.6 The Way Ahead; 2.7 Summary and Outlook; Acknowledgements; 3 Laboratory to Market: A Case Study; Abstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Major Objectives; 3.3 Theoretical Design Considerations; 3.4 Materials and Method; 3.4.1 Sampler Development; 3.4.2 Sampling Site and Procedure; 3.4.3 Chemical Analysis; 3.5 Results and Discussions; 3.5.1 Stability of the Aerosol Generation Systems; 3.5.2 Developed Sampler

3.5.3 Sampler Field Evaluation and PM1.0 Mass Concentration3.6 Laboratory to Industry; 3.7 Commercial Sampler Highlights; Acknowledgements; References; 4 Manning the Unmanned-The Aarav Story; Abstract; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Aarav Unmanned Systems (AUS); 4.3 Technology; 4.4 Products and Services; 4.4.1 Nayan 1; 4.4.2 Miscellaneous; 4.5 The Road Ahead; 5 The 4 I's of Innovation; Abstract; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 The Role of 4i Laboratory in Design and Fabrication; 5.2.1 Aesthetic Design and Fabrication; 5.2.2 Precision Design and Development; 5.2.3 Electronic Design and Fabrication

5.2.4 Reverse Engineering and Fabrication Using CAD/CAM Processes5.2.5 Free-form Design and Fabrication; 5.3 Foregoing and Completed Innovative Projects; 5.3.1 Formula SAE Race Car; 5.3.2 Abhyast: Autonomous Navigation System (ANS); 5.3.3 Design and Development of a Low-Cost Dental Chair; 5.3.4 Deskit and Newspaper Carry Bag Machine; 5.3.5 UV-based Water Filter System; 5.3.6 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV); 5.4 Fabrication Support to the Institute; 5.5 Future Directions; Acknowledgements; 6 The Game Changers-Seekers to Creators; Abstract; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 The Birth; 6.3 The Growth

6.3.1 E-Summit6.3.2 Start-up Internship Programme; 6.3.3 Campus Entrepreneurs Group; 6.3.4 PRIME'83; 6.4 Success Garnered on its Way

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