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Acknowledgements; Contents; Editors and Contributors; Introduction; 1 Voluntary and Involuntary Return Migration; Abstract; International Migration and Return; Deportation and Return; Immigration Laws and Policies; Gender and Return Migration; Integration in US Society Prior to Return; Circular Migration and Re-migration; Social Networks in Return Migration; Perspectives of Return; Organization of the Book; References; 2 Migration Times and Ethnic Identity: Mexican Migration to the US Over Three Generations; Abstract; Introduction; Timings and Migration

The Structural Changes in Migration from Mexico to the USThe Bracero Generation; The Second Generation; The Third Generation; Conclusion; References; Voluntary and Non-Voluntary Return; 3 From Mexico to Hawaii: Tracing the Migration History of One Family in Esperanza, Jalisco; Abstract; Comparison of Two Cases; An Overview of the Study and Its Methods; Findings; Context and Discussion; From California to Hawaii; Situational Analysis: Life in the Village; Conclusion; Appendix 1; References

4 Driven "Home": Stories of Voluntary and Involuntary Reasons for Returning Among Migrants in Jalisco and Oaxaca, MexicoAbstract; Introduction; Background; Research Methods; Findings; Discussion and Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; 5 Return Migrants and Potential Challenges for Future Legal Migration: Guatemalan Cases; Abstract; Introduction; Short History of Recent Immigration Laws and Chapter Outline; Guatemalan Migration to the United States; Socio-economic and Cultural Context of the Western Highlands; Social Research Advocates for Stronger Policies of Family Unification

Five Categories of Migrant Experiences and Immigration LawMethods and General Description; How Immigration Law Affects Return Migrants Differentially; Discussion: Legal Situation of Return Migrants and Larger Migration Link; Conclusion: Restricting Family Unity and the Stability of the Americas; References; Deportation; 6 Fragmented Identities: Contention of Space and Identity Among Salvadoran Deportees; Abstract; Methodology; Salvadorans and U.S. Immigration Policy; The Advent of the Salvadoran Call-Center Industry; Narratives from the Call-Center; Social Exclusion and Criminalization

Formal Sources of SupportInformal Sources of Support; Salvadoran Immigration Policy; Conclusion; References; 7 Trapped at the Border: The Difficult Integration of Veterans, Families, and Christians in Tijuana; Abstract; Introduction; The Context: Tijuana; The Profile of Tijuana's Deportees; Temporary Shelters; Social (Re) Integration; Processes of Separation and Family Reunification in Deportation; Conclusion; References; 8 Displacing Lives and Closing Pathways to Hope: The Health Impacts of Deportation and Return Migration in El Progreso, Honduras; Abstract; Background

