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Preface; Contents; 1 Introduction; 2 Attitudes and Ideology; Introduction; Toward a Definition of Attitude; Toward a Definition of Ideology; Attitudes: The Beginnings; Attitudinal Ambivalence; Attitude Change and Higher Order Needs; The Move from Attitude to Behavior: Is Prediction Possible? Attitude-Behavior Relation Research: A Half-Century of Development; The Inquiry Continues; Attitude-Behavior (in)Consistency in Prosocial Domains; Attitude-Behavior (in)Consistency in Health Domains; State of the Science; Improving Attitude-Behavior Correspondence; Attitude Measurement

Putting the Pieces Together: Organization of Political AttitudesIdeology as 'Hot Cognition'; Ideology and Cognitive Processes in Attitude Formation; Conclusion; References; 3 Conflict Studies; Introduction; Intergroup Conflict: Toward a Definition; Major Types of Intergroup Conflict; Intractable Conflict; Ideological Roots of Violent Conflicts; Scope of Justice; Somebody Is Going to Pay: Retribution and Revenge; Far from Fun and Games: Game Theory and Conflict; Group Identification; Perceptual Approaches; Ethos of Conflict; Historical Memory; Collective Victimization

Collective Emotions And Intergroup ConflictSalient Intergroup Context: Making Peace Hard; Social Categorization; Conflict Resolution Theories Multiplicity; Multiple Victims; Dismantle the Conflict-Producing Attractor; 'Re-legitimization'; Engage with Collective Memory; From Identities of Conflict to Identities of Peace; Preventing Violent Conflict, Forestalling Re-eruption; Conclusion: A Step-Wise Approach; References; 4 People-to-People (P2P) Interventions; Introduction; State of the Research; Intergroup Contact: The Theory; Intergroup Contact: The Practice; Contact Hypothesis: Critiques

Interactive Problem SolvingRealistic Conflicts; Interactive Conflict Resolution (ICR); Interest-Based Approaches; Contact Experiences and 'Rehumanizing' the 'Other'; CONTACT (Conflict Transformation Across Cultures); Dialogue Groups: Accomplishing the 'Impossible'; Alternatively, They Argue…; Communication Codes: Musayra and Dugri; Transformative Dialogue; To Reflect and Trust: TRT and Intractable Conflicts; Intergroup Contact Meta-Analysis; Peace Education and Its Vicissitudes; P2P Plus…; Minds of Peace; 'Keys' to Conflict Resolution; It's All About Us; Back-Channel Negotiations

A Principled PeaceManagement of Exclusion/Inclusion and Richness in PeaceMaking; Civil Society and Peacemaking in the Middle East; Peace Education in the Context of Intractable Conflicts; Communication: A Bridge Between Pedagogy and Psychology; The Identity Drawing Map (IDM), Intergroup Conflict/Intergroup Peace; Conclusion: When Contact and Communication Fail; References; 5 Political Violence; Introduction; Northern Ireland, South Africa, and the Middle East; Children's Responses to Political Violence in Northern Ireland; Social Ecological Factors; Diversely Different; Conclusion; References

