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Compassionate Migration and Regional Policy in the Americas; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1 Introduction; Overview of Volume Contents; Notes; References; 2 So Far From Compassion: The U.S.-Centric and Exclusionary Framework of Current and Past Immigration Policy; Notes; 3 The Power of Exclusion: Congress, Courts, and the Plenary Power; Introduction: A Stranger in a Strange Land; The Federal Political Branches: A Long Immigration History of Excluding the Other; A Court Complicit: The Supreme Court Creates and Affirms Political Plenary Power

A Compassionate Court?: The (Occasional) Antidote to Plenary ExclusionConclusion: It Takes a Village; Notes; References; 4 The Subnational Response: Local Intervention in Immigration Policy and Enforcement; Introduction; The Proliferation of State and Local Laws; Migration From the Northern Triangle; The Federal Government and the Proliferation of State and Local Anti-Immigrant Laws; Sanctuary Movement; Tiered Personhood: The New Juan Crow and Criminalization of Latina/os in America; Executive Lawmaking and State Challenges; Conclusion; Notes; References

5 Federal Regulatory Policymaking and Enforcement of Immigration LawIntroduction; A History of Prosecutorial Discretion in Deportation Cases; Prosecutorial Discretion and the DREAM Act Students; The Morton Memo; Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA); Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA); Conclusion; Notes; References; 6 Short-Hoeing the Long Row of Bondage: From Braceros to Compassionate Farm Worker Migration; Introduction; Background: The Bracero Program; The H-2 Program; Human Rights Abuses; Labor Recruiters and Contractors; Poor Enforcement; Lack of Employment Mobility

Lack of Access to the Legal SystemWage Theft; Three-Fourths Rule; Retaliation and Blacklisting; The Short-Handled Hoe and Pesticides; Institutionalized Slavery; Partial Solutions; Proposed Reforms; Notes; References; 7 Exploring New Spaces for Dialogue and Regional Cooperation in the Americas to Protect Migrants' Human Rights; Notes; 8 The Need for a Compassionate Migration Regime for North and Central America: Restoring and Extending Universal Human Rights to Migrant Workers, Their Families, and "Survival Migrants"; Introduction; Causes of Regional Structural Migration

The Pressing Need to Deepen the Existing Regional Dialogue on MigrationFrom Bilateral Agreements to a Regional Dialogue on Migration; From Security Agreements to a Regional Dialogue on Migration Based on ICMW Principles and Compassionate Migration; Conclusion; Notes; References; 9 The Challenges and Potential for a Universal Human Rights Regime to Manage Migration in the Americas; A Brief Analysis of the Nature and Scope of ICMW; What Are the Objections to the ICMW?; Some Reflections on the Future of Migration Governance: Linking Development and Human Rights; Notes; References

