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The Politics of Water in Post-War Britain; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; 1 Introduction: Water and History; Water, Life and Meaning; Emergent Historiographies of Water and Human Society; Water, Cleanliness and 'Efficiency' in Modern British History; Towards a Liquid History of Modern Britain; Notes; 2 Reconceptualising Water Politics in Post-war Britain; Water and The Rise of Environmental Politics; International Co-operation and the Creation of New Knowledge; The New View of the Oceans; Droughts and The Idea of Water Shortage; The Water Industry: Localism or Nationalisation?

Regionalisation, Efficiency and TechnocracyConclusions: The New Politics of Water; Notes; 3 The Great Flood of 1953; Life, Loss and Disaster on the East Coast; An Outpouring of Public Sympathy; Controversy, Dispute and Blame; A Piecemeal and Parsimonious Aid Effort; Resisting a National Service? Rebuilding After the Floods; The Defence of London; Conclusions; Notes; 4 River Pollution; The Victorian Roots of Pollution Control; Twentieth-Century Water Surveys; The River Boards Struggle with Surveys; River Pollution and Quality Surveys; Public Pressure and the Growing Importance of Recreation

Local Authorities, Economic Crisis and Industry Obstruct ProgressThe 1973 Act and The Centralising Moment; The Control of Pollution as International 'Leadership'; Conclusions; Notes; 5 Maritime and Oceanic Pollution; Torrey Canyon, Oil Pollution and The Ocean; The Domestic and International Policy Response; Pollution Becomes a Political Issue; The Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment (I): Negotiations; The Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment (II): consequences; Conclusions; Notes; 6 Water Safety; The 'Leisure Society'; Fear, Foreboding and Public Water

Water Safety: The Public Policy ResponseThe Working Party on Water Safety; Bathing Waters and the Cleanliness of Britain's Beaches; The Campaign for Cleaner Beaches; Conclusions; Notes; 7 Hot and Cold Water in the Home; Water, Women and the Politics of Washing; Wartime Water and Bathing; The Place of Water in Post-war Politics; The Gendered Politics of Clean Water; The Politics of Rural Water; Paying for Rural Water; Conclusions: The Ironies of Domesticity; Notes; 8 The Fluoridation Debate; Importation and Experimentation; Flouridation and the Politics of Risk

Exploring the Anti-fluoride Agitation'Pure' Water and the Gendered Defence of the Home; The Weakness of the British State; Conclusions: Children, Trust and Risk; Notes; 9 Conclusions: Water and Society in Post-war Britain; Water as a Locus of Post-war Politics; Water Histories in Contemporary Context; Policy Lessons
and Policy Futures?; Notes; Bibliography; Primary Manuscript Sources; Periodicals and Newspapers Cited; Websites and Online Resources; Official Government Publications; Primary Printed Sources; Unpublished theses and dissertations; Secondary books and articles; Index

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