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At a Glance; Contents; About the Authors; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Part I: Introduction to Spritekit; Chapter 1: Setting Up Your Game Scene and Adding Your First Sprites; What You Need to Know and Have; Introducing SuperSpaceMan; Creating a Swift SpriteKit Project; Starting from Scratch; The GameViewController Class; The GameScene Class; Adding a Background and Player Sprite; Summary; Chapter 2: SpriteKit Scenes and SKNode Positioning; What Is an SKScene?; The SKScene Rendering Loop; Building the Scene's Node Tree; Rendering the Node Tree.

Searching the Node TreeLooking at SKSpriteNode Coordinates and Anchor Points; Coordinates; Anchor Points; Summary; Chapter 3: Adding Physics and Collision Detection to Your Game; What Is an SKPhysicsBody?; Adding Physics to Your Game World; Applying Forces to SKPhysicsBody; Adding Collision Detection to Your SKNode; Adding a Node to Collide Into; Adding Collision Detection; Adding Bit Masks to Your SKPhysicsBody; Removing the Orb When You Receive a Contact Message; Summary; Chapter 4: Adding Scene Scrolling and Game Control; Reorganizing the GameScene; Adding More Orbs to the Scene.

Scrolling the SceneControlling Player Movement with the Accelerometer; Summary; Chapter 5: Adding Actions and Animations; Refactoring the Orb Node Layout One Last Time; Sprite Kit Actions; Using Actions to Move Nodes in the Scene; Using SKActions to Animate Sprites; Adding Some Additional Bling to the GameScene; Summary; Chapter 6: Adding Particle Effects to Your Game with Emitter Nodes; Using Particle Emitter Templates; Creating a Particle Emitter; Particle Emitter Properties; The Particle Life-Cycle Properties; The Emitter Birthrate and Maximum Properties.

The Lifetime Start and Range PropertiesThe Particle Movement Properties; The Position Range Property; The Z-position Property; The Angle Property; The Speed Property; The Acceleration Property; Adding an Exhaust Trail to the Player; Summary; Chapter 7: Adding Points and Sound; Introducing SKLabelNodes; Changing the Horizontal Alignment of the Label Node; Changing the Vertical Alignment of the Label Node; Adding Scoring to the Game; Adding an Impulse Counter to the Game; Adding Simple Sounds to the Game; Summary; Chapter 8: Transitioning Between Scenes; Pausing Scenes During a Transition.

Detecting When a New Scene Is PresentedAdding a New Scene to SuperSpaceMan; Ending the Game; Winning the Game; Losing the Game; Adding the Transition; Summary; Chapter 9: SpriteKit Best Practices; Creating Your Own Nodes with Subclassing; Reusing Textures; Externalizing Your Game Data; Keeping Your Node Tree Pruned; Summary; Part II: Introduction to Scenekit; Chapter 10: Creating Your First SceneKit Project; SceneKit Primer; SceneKit Animation; What You Need to Know; Creating the SceneKit Project; Wiring Up and Building a Scene; Swiftystein3D; Project Resources; Building the Scene; Summary.

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