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Preface; Contents; Chapter 1: DNA Methylation of Human Papillomavirus Genomes During Infection and Cancer Progression; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 History of Papillomavirus Methylation Research; 1.3 Methylation of HPV DNA During the Normal Life Cycle; 1.3.1 In Summary; 1.4 Regulatory Effects of DNA Methylation via CpG Dinucleotides in E2 Binding Sites; 1.5 Effects of Papillomaviruses on the Cellular Epigenome; 1.6 Differential Methylation of HPV Genomes in Malignant Lesions; 1.7 HPV Epigenomes and Cellular Epigenomic Properties of HPV Infected Cells as Cancer Biomarkers; References

Chapter 2: Epigenetic Regulation of Gammaherpesviruses: A Focus on Kaposiś Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus (KSHV/HHV-8)2.1 Introduction; 2.1.1 Genome Organization and Circularization; 2.1.2 Gene Expression During Latency; 2.1.3 Gene Expression During Lytic Phase; 2.2 Histone Modifications; 2.2.1 Histone Modifications During Gammaherpesvirus Latency; 2.2.2 Histone Modifications During Lytic Reactivation; 2.2.3 Intra- and Inter-locus Epigenetic Heterogeneity in KSHV Episomes; 2.3 DNA Methylation; 2.4 Chromatin Organization by CTCF and the Cohesin Complex

2.5 Noncoding RNAs and Epigenetic Control2.6 Conclusions; References; Chapter 3: Discoveries in Molecular Genetics with the Adenovirus 12 System: Integration of Viral DNA and Epigenetic Consequenc...; 3.1 Background on Interest in DNA Methylation and Epigenetic Effects; 3.1.1 Introduction to the Adenovirus System; Ad12-Syrian Hamster Cells: The Abortive System; 3.1.2 Foreign DNA in the Environment; 3.1.3 Biology of Ad12-Induced Hamster Tumors; 3.1.4 Characteristics of Chromosomally Integrated Adenovirus DNA

3.1.5 The Consequences of Inserting Foreign DNA into Established Mammalian Genomes3.1.5.1 Hypermethylation of Integrated Ad12 DNA, the Transgenome; Promoter CpG Methylation and Promoter Silencing; Foreign DNA Integration into Mammalian Genomes Leads to Alterations in Methylation and Transcription Patterns; Genome-Wide Increases in DNA Methylation in Ad12-Transformed Cells-Stability of Changes Even After the Loss of All Viral Genom...; Alterations of Cellular DNA Methylation and Transcription Patterns Are Also Elicited in Bacteriophage Lambda or Bacterial Plas...

Alterations of CpG Methylation Patterns Way Upstream of the FMR1 Boundary in Human Cells Immortalized by Epstein-Barr Virus (E...A Model System to Study the Epigenomic Destabilization in Human Cells Transgenomic for a 5.6 kbp Bacterial Plasmid; 3.1.6 Résumé; References; Chapter 4: Epigenetic Consequences of Epstein-Barr Virus Infection; 4.1 Epigenetic Regulation of the EBV Life Cycle; 4.1.1 EBV Life Cycle; 4.1.2 Epigenetic Control of Viral Promoter Usage; 4.1.3 Epigenetic Regulation of Lytic Reactivation; 4.2 Viral Protein Interactions with the Host Epigenetic Machinery; 4.2.1 EBNA1

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