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Introduction: the sorrows and joys of Chinese filmmaking: political and personal contexts
Shanghai twenties: early Chinese cinematic explorations of the modern marriage
The theme of spiritual pollution in Chinese films of the 1930s
Melodramatic representation and the "May fourth" tradition of Chinese filmmaking
Never-ending controversies: the case of remorse in Shanghai and occupation-era Chinese filmmaking
Victory as defeat: postwar visualizations of China's war of resistance
Acting like revolutionaries: Shi Hui, The Wenhua Studio, and private-sector filmmaking, 1949-1952
Zheng Junli, complicity, and the cultural history of socialist China, 1949-1976
The limits of thaw: Chinese cinema in the early 1960s
Popular cinema and political thought in early Post-Mao China: reflections on official pronouncements, film, and the film audience
On the eve of Tiananmen: Huang Jianxin and the notion of postsocialism
Velvet prison and the political economy of Chinese filmmaking in the late 1980s and early 1990s
Social and political dynamics of underground filmmaking in early twenty-first century China.

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