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Table of Contents
Definitions: tactics, operations, strategy
Factors and constants: space, time, and forces
The beginnings: planning, mobility, and a system of expedients
The sword of Damocles: a two-front war
Bitter awakening: World War I
Old wine in new wineskins: operational thinking in the Reichswehr and the Wehrmacht between reality and utopia
Lost victories, or the limits of operational thinking
Operational thinking in the age of the atom
Definitions: tactics, operations, strategy
Factors and constants: space, time, and forces
The beginnings: planning, mobility, and a system of expedients
The sword of Damocles: a two-front war
Bitter awakening: World War I
Old wine in new wineskins: operational thinking in the Reichswehr and the Wehrmacht between reality and utopia
Lost victories, or the limits of operational thinking
Operational thinking in the age of the atom