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Foreword / by Cornel West
Introduction / by Johanna Fernández
1. Christmas in a cage
2. Court of law or hall of oppression?
3. Different sides of the same system
4. Long live John Africa
5. 900 years for surviving
6. The Mother's Day massacre
7. The power of truth
8. Christmas in a cage II
9. The Philadelphia negro revisited
10. Birth of a rebel
11. Community service for a Contra Colonel
12. C'mon in, the water's fine
13. Ronald Reagan fiddled while the poor froze
14. Blues for Huey
15. Opposing anti-Arab racism
16. Rodney King
17. Never again
18. Legal oudaws : Bobby's battle for justice September
19. Gangsters in blue
20. Voting for your own repression
21. Welfare reform or war on women?
22. The state of Pennsylvania has every intention of killing me
23. The passing of Kunstler : people's lawyer
24. Fugitive from justice, Veronica Jones
25. When a child is not a child
26. More than police brutality
27. The death machine
28. What Amadou Diallo really means
29. The damning of dissent
30. The life and freedom of Shaka Sankofa (Gary Graham)
31. Texas : the death state
32. The real "constitutional crisis"
33. Many trails of tears
34. Message to the World Congress against the death penalty Strasbourg, France
35. The real meaning of Genoa
36. Land
37. Imperial pique in Durban
38. 9-11... Why?
39. When news isn't news
40. War on the waterfront
41. The Cuban 5 and "Homeland Security"
42. Analysis of empire
43. Who's "wilding" who?
44. Governor Ryan's song
45. Black farmers, still fighting
46. To be young, gifted and ... Nina Simone
47. Sons of Malcolm
48. Soldiers of misfortune
49. Black August
50. Forty years in the wilderness
51. The ill-advised Iraq adventure
52. Democracy, dictatorships and empire
53. "Flawed intelligence"
54. In the shadow of Brown
55. Who "we" are
56. "True American values"
57. Another Ronald Reagan, another America
58. America : independent?
59. What would Thomas Paine think?
60. Voting for yesteryear : Alabama dreamin'
61. When the prison goes international
62. Lynne Stewart speaks
63. Whitewashing white crimes
64. Supreme Court Justice calls system "broken"
65. Rosa Parks, Claudette Colvin and Jo Ann Robinson
66. What kids are really learning in school
67. The ongoing war against workers : the TWU Strike
68. FBI surveillance
69. GM and the global war against workers
70. Silence of the lambs
71. Before Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib : the Black Panthers
72. Katrina : one year later
73. No safe age
74. Decolonization : the influence of Africa, and Latin America on the Black Freedom Movement
75. President or priest?
76. 1967 : year of fire, year of rage
77. The latest battle in the war against the poor
78. The perils of black political power
79. Beating back Batson
80. The time for Troy Davis is now
81. Welfare for the rich
82. Israel
83. From Frahtz Fanon to Africa with love
84. With judges like these
85. The other inauguration celebration
86. Black citizenship
87. Union busting
88. Tea Party or Occupy Movement?
89. To my brethen and sistas on the row
90. For a revolutionary black history month
91. Memories for Maroon
92. Beyond Trayvon : when the personal ain't political
93. The real John Carter
94. Ending solitary confinement
95. Obama's re-election : what it means, what it doesn't
96. Martin Luther King : in memory and in life
97. The coming acquittal of Trayvon Martin's killer
98. Puerto Rico : under U.S. colonial law
99. "Of all our studies, history best rewards our research"
100. National Security Agency
101. Martin, women and the movement
102. Land grabs
103. Beatings
104. The historic role of journalism among black people
105. The meaning of Ferguson
106. Ebola
107. Goddard commencement speech
Appendix: 10 reasons why Mumia Abu-Jamal should be freed / by Johanna Fernández.

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