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I. Introduction : Preface / Ludmilla Kolokolova, James Hough, and Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd ; The life of Tom Gehrels / Neil, George, Jo-Ann, and Aleida Gehrels
II. Theory, instrumentation, and laboratory studies : Measurement and modeling of electromagnetic scattering by particles and particle groups / Michael I. Mishchenko ; Instrumentation / Christoph U. Keller, Frans Snik, David M. Harrington, and Chris Packham ; Laboratory studies / Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd, Jean-Baptiste Renard, Yuriy Shkuratov, and Edith Hadamcik ; Grain alignment: role of radiative torques and paramagnetic relaxation / Alexander Lazarian, B-G Anderson, and Thiem Hoang ; Multiple scattering of light in particulate planetary media / Karri Muinonen, Antti Penttilä, and Gorden Videen ; Experimental scattering matrices of clouds of randomly oriented particles / Olga Muñoz and Joop W. Hovenier
III. Stars and their environment : Interstellar polarization / Terry Jay Jones and Douglas C.B. Whittet ; Young stellar objects and their environment / Motohide Tamura and Jungmi Kwon ; T Tauri and Herbig Ae/Be stars / Pierre Bastien ; Magnetic fields in high-mass star-forming regions / Antonio Chrysostomou, Martin Houde, and Brenda C. Matthews ; Evolved stars / Tim Gledhill ; Stellar magnetic fields / Stefano Bagnulo and John D. Landstreet ; Imaging of protoplanetary and debris disks / Marshall D. Perrin, Dean C. Hines, John P. Wisniewski, and Glenn Schneider
IV. Solar system : The sun / Jan O. Stenflo ; Terrestrial planets / Vadym Kaydash, Yuriy Shkuratov, Michael Wolff, and Gorden Videen ; The moon / Yuriy Shkuratov, Nikolay Opanasenko, Viktor Korokhin, and Gorden Videen ; Gas giant planets, Saturn's rings, and Titan / Robert A. West, Padma A. Yanamadra-Fisher, and Viktor Korokhin ; Icy moons of the outer planets / Vera Rosenbush, Nikolai Kiselev, and Viktor Afanasiev ; Asteroids / Alberto Cellino, Ricardo Gil-Hutton, and Irina Belskaya ; Comets / Nikolai Kiselev, Vera Rosenbush, Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd, and Ludmilla Kolokolova ; Transneptunian objects and Centaurs / Irina Belskaya and Stefano Bagnulo ; Interplanetary dust / Jérémie Lasue, Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd, and Alexander Lazarian
V. Exoplanets and exobiology : Exoplanets / Sloane J. Wiktorowicz and Daphne M. Stam ; Astrobiology / William Sparks, James Hough, and Ludmilla Kolokolova
Appendix: Polarimetric definitions for astronomy.

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