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The traveler to excellent beauty : invited rather than drafted
Of spiritual journeys
What is a religion?
The one billion
The traveler's dark night of the soul
Appendix to chapter 4. Statistics and probability meet job
The biology of religion, the psychology of morality
Justifying the ways of God to man .. via evolution
Appendix to chapter 5. Yes, there really is such a thing as a coincidence
Does God want you dead?
Good without gods
The journey in tatters
Beyond atheism : the religion illusion
The Janus-faced hominid
The heretic's way : into the mysterious realm
Some strangeness in the proportion
Appendix to chapter 10. A compendium of mysteries
The beauty of seeing more than we can understand
Appendix to chapter 11. Welcome to the inscrutable
The personal mystery and the impersonal God
Summa mysteriologica.

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