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"Every man, Catholic and non/Catholic, fell on his knees with his head bowed down"
"The end of religious controversy"
"I have the responsibilities, he the virtues"
"An 'heir-loom'"
"The radical necessity of the Church"
"The Catholics...will be found among the fastest friends of the Union"
"The devil...comes to us as a philanthropist"
"Cowards fearing the light of day, and skulking beneath the cover of darkness"
"The Know-Nothings have inaugurated a new era"
"Framed, no doubt, for the express purpose of corrupting the faith of Catholic children"
"I wish that secession had never been thought of"
"Called upon by both sides to fight in the battles of the country"
"The nations of antiquity had slaves; where are those nations now?"
"Unless, as a body, we besiege heaven with prayer, god will not be pacified"
"Waning of the prejudice against our religion, coming from the highest range of Protestant society"
"The most logical and effective assailants of slavery that these last three years have produced have been devout Catholics"
"If the general is crossing himself we are in a desparate situation"
"A mere inferential recognition, unconnected with political action or the regular establishment of diplomatic relations"
"Judea produced but one Judas Iscariot"
"The bishop attributes to God what is an execrable violence of men"
"The only country in which the Pope could seek and find a suitable and secure asylum".

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