
Linked e-resources


Abduction, adult
Abduction, capture and imprisonment
Abduction, child
Action against abuse
Adam Walsh child protection and safety act
Adina's deck
Adopted children
Adopted children, international
Adoption agencies, abuse in
Adult sexual attraction to adolescents
AMBER alert
Americans with disabilities act
Anger management
Animal abuse
Antigay lobby
Battered person syndrome
Battered women shelters
Boy scouts, homosexual policies of
Brady handgun violence prevention act
Brainwashing and mind control
BULLY project
Bullying, adult
Bullying, child and adolescent
Burning bed, the
Byrd, James, Jr.
Capital punishment
Center for elders and the courts
Center of excellence on elder abuse and neglect
Child abandonment and neglect
Child abuse, physical and emotional
Child abuse, poverty and
Child abuse, psychological and behavioral effects of
Child abuse, sexual
Child abuse, treatment for
Child abuse, verbal
Child abuse prevention and enforcement acts
Child Abuse Prevention Association
Child abuse reporting laws
Child and family services improvement acts
Child pornography
Child protective services
Child trafficking
Community action stops abuse
Corporal punishment
Cyberbullying, adult
Cyberbullying, child and adolescent
Cycle of abuse
Debbie Smith act
Demi and Ashton Foundation
Disabled adults
Disabled children
Domestic abuse
Domestic abuse, immigrants and
Domestic abuse, poverty and
Domestic abuse, psychological effects of
Duluth model
Eating disorders
Elder abandonment
Elder abuse
Elder abuse, sexual
Elder abuse, verbal
Elder abuse victims act
Elder justice act
Elder neglect
Elder self-neglect
Family preservation and support services program act
Feral children
Foster care acts
Foster children
Gun violence
Hate crimes
Hate speech
Hirsch, Lee
Homosexuals in the military, abuse of
Human rights
Human trafficking
Identity theft
Indian child welfare act
Intercountry adoption act
Interethnic provisions of 1996
Intermittent explosive disorder
International Cultic Studies Association
International justice mission
Internet abuse
Internet fraud
Internet victimization, child
i-SAFE Foundation
Keeping children and families safe act
Klaas, Polly
Mandatory arrest laws
Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., hate crimes prevention act
Megan's law
Men as victims of abuse
National Association of Social Workers
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
National Center on Elder Abuse
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National domestic violence hotline
National missing and unidentified persons system
Nursing homes, abuse in
Online dating
Pandora's project
Pizzey, Erin
Police, abuse by
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Priests, sexual abuse by
Prisoner abuse, adult
Prisoner abuse, juvenile
Rape, abuse & incest national network
Rape, date
Rape, gender stereotypes and
Rape, marital
Rape, statutory
Reproductive coercion
Road rage
Safe haven laws
Safe house
Same-sex relationships, violence in
Sandusky, Jerry
Satanic rituals, abuse in
Sex addiction
Sex offender
Sex trafficking
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment, legal ramifications of
Sexual harassment in education
Sexual harassment in employment
Sexual slavery
Shepard, Matthew
Sibling violence and abuse
Slavery, modern-day
Southern Poverty Law Center
Stand your ground law
Stop the silence
Substance abuse
Tara Teng initiative
Telephone harassment
Transgender individuals
U.S.C. titles IV-B and IV-E of the social security act
Victim blaming
Victim empowerment models
Violence against women act
Walsh, John Edward
Women in the military, abuse of
Workplace violence
YWCA abuse services.

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