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Table of Contents
Introduction : learning from a man-made disaster / Scott D. Sagan
Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster : an overview / Kenji E. Kushida
The accident that could never happen : deluded by a design basis / Gregory D. Wyss
Security implications of the Fukushima accident / Kaoru Naito
Political leadership in nuclear emergency : institutional and structural constraints / Nobumasa Akiyama
Radiation protection by numbers : another "man-made disaster" / Toshihiro Higuchi
Encouraging transnational organizational learning / Kazuto Suzuki
Were Japan's nuclear plants uniquely vulnerable? / Phillip Lipscy, Kenji E. Kushida, and Trevor Incerti
Beyond Fukushima : enhancing nuclear safety and security in the 21st century / Edward D. Blandford and Michael M. May.
Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster : an overview / Kenji E. Kushida
The accident that could never happen : deluded by a design basis / Gregory D. Wyss
Security implications of the Fukushima accident / Kaoru Naito
Political leadership in nuclear emergency : institutional and structural constraints / Nobumasa Akiyama
Radiation protection by numbers : another "man-made disaster" / Toshihiro Higuchi
Encouraging transnational organizational learning / Kazuto Suzuki
Were Japan's nuclear plants uniquely vulnerable? / Phillip Lipscy, Kenji E. Kushida, and Trevor Incerti
Beyond Fukushima : enhancing nuclear safety and security in the 21st century / Edward D. Blandford and Michael M. May.