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Table of Contents
Part I. An Ideal-type between the Republic and Memories of the Republic
Pompa hominum: gravity and levity, resonance and wonder, ritual failure
Pompa deorum: performing theology, performing the gods
Iter pompae circensis: memory, resonance, the image of the city
Part II. The Pompa Circensis from Julius Caesar to Late Antiquity
'Honors greater than human': Imperial cult and the pompa circensis
Behind 'the Veil of power': ritual failure, ordinary humans, and Ludic processions during the High Empire
The pompa circensis in Late Antiquity: imperialization, Christianization, restoration.
Pompa hominum: gravity and levity, resonance and wonder, ritual failure
Pompa deorum: performing theology, performing the gods
Iter pompae circensis: memory, resonance, the image of the city
Part II. The Pompa Circensis from Julius Caesar to Late Antiquity
'Honors greater than human': Imperial cult and the pompa circensis
Behind 'the Veil of power': ritual failure, ordinary humans, and Ludic processions during the High Empire
The pompa circensis in Late Antiquity: imperialization, Christianization, restoration.