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Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction: Geography Is Revolutionary; Entry Locator Maps; Selected Chronology; Entries; A; Aerial Photography; Agriculture; Air Travel; Al-Biruni; Al-Idrisi, Muhammad; Al-Jahiz; Anaximander; Antarctica; Applied Geography; Aryabhata and Brahmagupta; Atmospheric Research; B; Bridges and Tunnels; Brunel, Isambard Kingdom; Burke and Wills; Burnham, Daniel; C; Canals; Christaller, Walter; Citizen Science; Columbus, Christopher; Compass; Cook, James; Copernicus; Cross-Staffs, Astrolabes, and Other Devices; D; Davis, William Morris

Defining GeographyE; Earth in Space; Ecoregions and Biomes; Environmental Movement; Eratosthenes; Eriksson, Leif; F; Field Collection Devices; French Geodesic Mission; G; Geodemographics; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Geographical Societies; Geography Departments; Global Positioning Systems (GPS); Globes; Great Trigonometric Survey of India; Guyot and Agassiz; H; Harrison, John; Hayden, Powell, and Wheeler Surveys; Henry the Navigator; Herodotus; High-Resolution Mapping; Hipparchus; Homer; Hutton, James; I; Ibn Battuta; International Geophysical Year; Internet of Things; L

Land ProtectionLatitude and Longitude; Lewis and Clark; Livingstone, David; M; Mackinder, Halford; Magellan, Ferdinand; Magnetic Field; Malthus, Thomas Robert; Maps; Marco Polo; Marsh, George Perkins; Maury, Matthew; Mercator, Gerardus; Münster, Sebastian; N; National Mapping Agencies; National Statistical Agencies; Northwest Ordinance; O; Observatories; Ocean Research; P; Pei Xiu; Photography; Pliny the Elder; Posidonius; Ptolemy; Q; Quantitative Revolution; R; Regional Studies; Remote Sensing; Ritter, Carl; Roads, Ports, and Railroads; S; Sauer, Carl O.; Smith, William; Social Media

Spatial AnalysisStrabo; Supply Chain Management; Surveying; T; Time; Topophilia; Treaty of Tordesillas; U; Universalis Cosmographia; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs); Urbanization; V; Varenius, Bernhardus; Vesuvius; Von Humboldt, Alexander; W; War; Web Mapping; Wegener, Alfred; Z; Zheng He; Bibliography; Index; About the Author

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