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Cover Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; About the Author; What's New in the Second Edition; Chapter 1 The Health Research Process; 1.1 The Research Process; 1.2 Health Research; 1.3 Health Research Purposes; 1.4 Book Overview; STEP 1: IDENTIFYING A STUDY QUESTION; Chapter 2 Selecting a General Topic; 2.1 Practical Questions; 2.2 Brainstorming and Concept Mapping; 2.3 Keywords; 2.4 Exposure, Disease, Population (EDP); 2.5 PICOT; Chapter 3 Reviewing the Literature; 3.1 Informal Sources; 3.2 Statistical Reports; 3.3 Abstract Databases; 3.4 Full-Text Articles

3.5 Critical Reading3.6 Annotated Bibliographies; 3.7 What Makes Research Original?; Chapter 4 Focusing the Research Question; 4.1 Study Approach; 4.2 Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks; 4.3 Study Goal and Specific Objectives; 4.4 Checklist for Success; Chapter 5 Collaboration and Mentorship; 5.1 Collaborators and Consultants; 5.2 Finding Research Mentors; 5.3 The Mentor-Mentee Relationship; 5.4 Professional Development; Chapter 6 Coauthoring; 6.1 Coauthorship; 6.2 Authorship Criteria; 6.3 Authorship Order; 6.4 Decisions About Authorship; STEP 2: SELECTING A STUDY APPROACH

Chapter 7 Overview of Study Designs7.1 Types of Study Approaches; 7.2 Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Studies; 7.3 Study Duration; 7.4 Primary Focus: Exposure, Disease, or Population?; Chapter 8 Case Series; 8.1 Overview; 8.2 Case Definitions; 8.3 Special Considerations; 8.4 Analysis; Chapter 9 Cross-Sectional Surveys; 9.1 Overview; 9.2 Representative Populations; 9.3 KAP Surveys; 9.4 Repeated Cross-Sectional Surveys; 9.5 Analysis: Prevalence; Chapter 10 Case-Control Studies; 10.1 Overview; 10.2 Finding Cases and Controls; 10.3 Matching; 10.4 Special Considerations

10.5 Analysis: Odds Ratios (ORs)10.6 Matched Case-Control Studies; Chapter 11 Cohort Studies; 11.1 Overview; 11.2 Types of Cohort Studies; 11.3 Special Considerations; 11.4 Analysis: Incidence Rate Ratios (RRs); Chapter 12 Experimental Studies; 12.1 Overview; 12.2 Describing the Intervention; 12.3 Defining Outcomes; 12.4 Selecting Controls; 12.5 Blinding; 12.6 Randomization; 12.7 Ethical Considerations; 12.8 Analysis; 12.9 Screening and Diagnostic Tests; Chapter 13 Qualitative Studies; 13.1 Qualitative Research Theories; 13.2 Qualitative Research Techniques

13.3 Qualitative Interviewing Methods13.4 Focus Group Discussions; 13.5 Coding Qualitative Data; 13.6 Mixed Methods Research; 13.7 Monitoring and Evaluation; 13.8 Consensus Methods; Chapter 14 Correlational Studies; 14.1 Overview; 14.2 Aggregate Data; 14.3 Analysis: Correlation; 14.4 Age Adjustment; 14.5 Avoiding the Ecological Fallacy; STEP 3: DESIGNING THE STUDY AND COLLECTING DATA; Chapter 15 Research Protocols; 15.1 Overview of Research Plans by Study Approach; 15.2 Research Timelines; 15.3 Researcher Responsibilities; 15.4 Writing a Research Protocol; 15.5 Preparing for Data Collection

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