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Introduction: The Winter of our Discontent / Brian A. Pavlac
Kings, Queens, Knights and Strategy. High and Mighty Queens of Westeros / Kavita Mudan Finn
A Machiavellian Discourse on Game of Thrones / Jacopo della Quercia
Chivalry in Westeros / Steven Muhlberger
Of Kings, their Battles, and Castles / Brian A. Pavlac
Slaves, Barbarians, and Other Others. Barbarian Colonizers and Post-Colonialism in Westeros and in Britain / Shiloh Carroll
The Eastern Question / Mat Hardy
A Defense against the "Other": Constructing Sites on the Edge of Civilization and Savagery / Brian de Ruiter
Slaves with Swords: Slave Soldiers in Essos and the Islamic World / Robert J. Haug
Women and Children. Rocking Cradles and Hatching Dragons: Parents in Game of Thrones / Janice Liedl
"Oh, my sweet summer child": Children and Childhood in Game of Thrones / Helle Strandgaard Jensen and Magnus Qvistgaard
Writing the Rules of their Own Game: Medieval Female Agency and Game of Thrones / Nicole M. Mares
The Strength of Sansa Stark: A Representation of Female Agency in Late Medieval England / Danielle Alesi
Religion. Continuity and Transformation in the Religions of Westeros and Western Europe / Don Riggs
Religious Violence in Game of Thrones: An Historical Background from Antiquity to the European Wars of Religion / Maureen Attali
Co-existence and Conflict in the Faith Landscapes of Game of Thrones / Daniel Clasby
I Shall Take No Wife?: Celibate Societies in Westeros and Western Civilization / Kris Swank
Background. By Whisper and Raven: Information and Communication in Game of Thrones / Giacomo Giudici
What's in a Name? History and Fantasy in Game of Thrones / Sara L. Uckelman, Sonia Murphy, & Joseph Percer
Setting up Westeros: the Medieval-esque World of Game of Thrones? / Gillian Polack.

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