Linked e-resources


1. How Vaccines Work
A Mother's View of Vaccination
A Scientist's View of Vaccination
Vaccination and the Public Health
A Century of Vaccination Progress
A Microscopic View of Immunity
2. Nature's Way and the Beginning of Immunization (1500s-1790s)
Smallpox as Childhood Disease
Measles in Children
A Doctor Describes Smallpox Inoculation
Rash Innovation or New Discovery?
God's Judgment or God's Blessing?
Disturbing the Peace and Quiet of His Majesty's Subjects
George Washington Orders Compulsory Inoculation of the Continental Army
3. Vaccination by Design: Smallpox (1790s-1830s)
Dr. Jenner's Vaccination Rewarded by Parliament
"It Is Passing over a Safe Bridge"
Spreading Vaccination Worldwide
"Distracted with Doubt, and Labouring under Gloomy Apprehensions"
Who Should Be Authorized to Vaccinate?
4. Epidemics in the Industrial Age (1840s-1860s)
Making the Case for Experimental Medicine
Experiment and Observation in Action: Differential Diagnosis of Diphtheria
Can We Experiment on Disease?
Yellow Fever Spreads through the Atlantic World
Cholera Spread through Trade
Slavery and the Spread of Infectious Disease
Quarantine Controversies
Soldiers' Health and Infectious Disease in the Civil War
Civil War Nursing
5. The Germ Theory and Vaccination (1870-1900)
The Germ Theory and the Science of Immunology
Growing Cholera in the Laboratory
Yellow Fever and Mosquitoes
Medical Scientist as International Hero
Vaccination Made Compulsory in the German Empire
Political Warfare over Smallpox Treatment in Milwaukee, 1894
Smallpox Epidemic in Muncie, Indiana
6. Vaccines and Everyday Life (1900-1940)
"The People Informing the Doctors That They Preferred Smallpox to Tetanus"
Quality Control and Damage Control
U.S. Government Regulates Vaccine Production
Impact of Federal Regulation
Vaccines in World War I
Vaccination on Vacation
Vaccines and Children's Literature
Diphtheria Goes to School
Dog Teams Save the Children of Nome
Lice and Typhus
7. Do We Trust Our Doctors? Vaccination, Patients' Rights, and Consumer Advocacy (1940-Present)
Origin of the March of Dimes
"The Only Way You Can Keep Going Is If You've Got a Sense of Humour"
Kissing Elvis
Vaccines' Finest Hour
Can Patients Trust Medical Research?
Can Patients Trust the Food and Drug Administration?
"Vaccinating on Time Means Healthier Children, Families, and Communities"
Can Patients Trust Vaccines?
Medical Fraud and the Autism Scare
"You're Putting Other Children at Risk"
8. Global Vaccination Ideals and Reality (2000-Present)
Essential Vaccinations for Children
The End of Smallpox
"I'm Going to Give You an Elephant"
The End of Polio
New Epidemics, New Vaccines?

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