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Table of Contents
'Do panic. They're coming' : remaking the weird in contemporary children's fiction / Chloe Buckley
Cuckoo songs : the changeling as hero / Geoffrey Miles
'These are troubling, confusing times' : Darren Shan's Cirque du Freak as post-9/11 gothic / Phillip Serrato
Figuring the witch / David Punter
Ghostly vestiges of strange tales : horror, history and the haunted Chinese child / You Chengcheng
Girls in lace dresses : the intersections of gothic in Japanese youth fiction and fashion / Emerald L. King and Lucy Fraser
The gothic in oceania / Erin Mercer
'The gothic is part of history, just as history is part of the gothic' : gothicizing history and historicizing the gothic in Celia Rees' young adult fiction / Catherine Spooner
Adolescent angels and demons : the religious imagination in young adult gothic literature / Rebecca Wigginton
'Mind to mind' : the gothic loss of privacy in the Twilight saga and Chaos walking trilogy / Alexandra Valint
'THIS HILL IS STILL DANGEROUS' : Alan Garner's Weirdstone trilogy
a hauntology / Timothy Jones.
Cuckoo songs : the changeling as hero / Geoffrey Miles
'These are troubling, confusing times' : Darren Shan's Cirque du Freak as post-9/11 gothic / Phillip Serrato
Figuring the witch / David Punter
Ghostly vestiges of strange tales : horror, history and the haunted Chinese child / You Chengcheng
Girls in lace dresses : the intersections of gothic in Japanese youth fiction and fashion / Emerald L. King and Lucy Fraser
The gothic in oceania / Erin Mercer
'The gothic is part of history, just as history is part of the gothic' : gothicizing history and historicizing the gothic in Celia Rees' young adult fiction / Catherine Spooner
Adolescent angels and demons : the religious imagination in young adult gothic literature / Rebecca Wigginton
'Mind to mind' : the gothic loss of privacy in the Twilight saga and Chaos walking trilogy / Alexandra Valint
'THIS HILL IS STILL DANGEROUS' : Alan Garner's Weirdstone trilogy
a hauntology / Timothy Jones.