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Cover; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Series Foreword; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. Political Sex Scandals: How and Why Gender Matters; Political Sex Scandal as a Social Institution; Scandal; Gender; Power; The Old Boys' Club of Political Sex Scandals; Book's Blueprint; Chapter 2. A Brief History of Political Sex Scandals; Scandal and the Republic; Categorizing Scandal; When are These Scandals Taking Place?; The Most Popular Years for Scandal; Elite Versus Local Scandals; Republican Versus Democrat Scandals; Where are These Scandals Taking Place?; Scandal and Gender.

Scandal, Age, and Gender; Chapter 3. What a Joke: Philandering Politicians Get the Cartoon Treatment; Which Metaphors Do Cartoonists Employ in Scandal Cartoons?; How Do Political Cartoons on Sex Scandals Do Gender?; Selecting Scandals for Cartoon Analysis; Metaphors in Scandal Cartoons: Underwear; Metaphors in Scandal Cartoons: Bill Clinton; Clinton as Hypocrite; Clinton as Liar; Clinton as Nonthreatening "Deviant"; Faltering Masculinity in Scandal Cartoons; Evaluating the Scandal-Tarnished Politicians; Ignorant to His Demise; Idiot/Goof; Prompts Disgust/Outrage; Down and Out; Hypocrisy.

Cartoon Depiction of Political Wives; Making Sense of How Cartoons "Do" Gender; Chapter 4. When Mistresses Become Media Starlets: The Ascension of the Political Sex-Scandal Celebrity; The Newspapers; The Women; Female Publicity in Sex Scandals; Ashley Dupré; Sydney Leathers; The Sexpot Versus the Sexter; Political Clowns; Life, Post-Scandal; Female Publicity and Scandal; Chapter 5. Political Wives, Scandal, and the Double Bind: Press Coverage through a Gendered Lens; Background on Political Sex Scandals; Scandal and Wifeness; Media Coverage of Political Wives and Political Women; Method.

The Ideological Construction of the Symbolic "Good Wife"; Jenny Sanford Breaks the Mold; Press Reconstruction of Wifeness; Chapter 6. Have I Got a Story for You: State Lawmakers Confront Scandal in the New York Assembly; The Scandal Taint; The Scandals and Their Aftermath; Vito Lopez (2012); Micah Kellner (2013); Dennis Gabryszak (2014); Methodology; A Snapshot of the Assembly Members Who Participated in This Study; Accessing the Assembly Through Stories; Narrative Inquiry and Story Analysis; The Gender Divide; Anecdote 1: Vito Lopez, His "Odd Ducks," and An Intern.

Dichotomies: "Odd Ducks," Cuteness, and the Public/Private Divide; Subordinate Silence; Contradiction: "Odd Ducks" Who Are "Attractive"; The Age Difference; Revisiting the "Odd Ducks" Under a "Spell"; The Double Entendre of the Man Who "Has These Women"; Reconstructing the Story; Anecdote 2: Intern Matchmaking Gone Awry; Dismantling the Dichotomy of Collegiality; Examining Silence; Attending to Disruptions: Cordiality-or Meddling?; Element Most Alien to the Text: Antagonistic Body Language; Double Entendre of "Having" Interns; Reconstructing the Story.

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