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Introduction: Dancing with Pan
Reflections from Silver Plume (1965)
Conservation and Natural History (1968)
Our Wilderness Anniversary (1968)
On Immensity and Usufruct (1968)
Union Bay: A Life-After-Death Plant-In (1970)
Willapa Bay (1970)
A Colorado Yankee in Cromwell Country (1972)
Silk Moth of the Railroad Yards (1975)
The Death of a Moth: Rejoinder to Virginia Woolf (1976)
The Bramble Patch Trap (1976)
The Extinction of Experience (1978)
The Particular Pleasures of Small Islands (1979)
Butterflies: Now You See Them (1981)
The Niche of a Naturalist (1982)
Close Encounters: A Naturalist Looks at the Ethics of First Contact (1988)
No Soil Required (1993)
Receding from Grief (1993)
In Praise of the Tangled Bank (1994)
Damning the Sacred (1994)
Ditch, Creek, River (1995)
Elegy Written in Country Farmyard (1995)
I Was a Teenage Lepidopterist (1996)
On the Outside (1998)
The Earth Turns, and We Go On (2000)
Resurrection Ecology: Bring Back the Xerces Blue! (2000)
Reflections in a Golden Eye (2000)
Las Monarcas: Butterflies on Thin Ice (2001)
The Journey Home (2001)
Reincorporation (2001)
The Rise and Fall of Natural History (2001)
Fat with Frits (2002)
Postcards from the Pleistocene: Saving Hendrickson Canyon (2005)
How to Love a River (2005)
The Beauty of Butterfly Nets (2006)
Always a Naturalist (2007)
Volcanic Blues: or, How the Butterfly Tamed the Volcano (2008)
World without Violets (2009)
Evening Falls on the Maladaptive Ape (2010)
A Nat'ral Histerrical Feller in an Unwondering age (2011)
Two Essays from Billy Meadows (2011)
Parents without Children: Confessions of a Favorite Uncle (2012)
Back to the Big Spring: Where Rivers Come From, and Where They Go (2012)
My Heresy (2013)
Free Range Kids: Why Unfettered Play Is Essential to Our Species (2014)
Of Owls and Angels (2015)
The Earth Whispers and Croon (2015)
Headbone and Hormone (2015).

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