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Machine generated contents note: 1. What is Greek religion?
Essay 1.1 Twelve gods, and other ways to limit a pantheon
Essay 1.2 Homer's Hera and the Hera(s) of cult
Essay 1.3 Reciprocity in Greek religion
2. Implicit theology and the (ir)rational
Essay 2.1 Epiphanies of Athena
Essay 2.2 What do the gods know?
Essay 2.3 Myth, ritual and Adonis
3. Orthopraxy, identity and society
Essay 3.1 inclusiveness of the Panathenaic festival
Essay 3.2 Dancing for the gods
Essay 3.3 Kyrene cathartic law
4. Ritual, festival and sacrifice
Essay 4.1 Sacrificing to Zeus Polieus on Kos
Essay 4.2 Theseus and the Athenian calendar
Essay 4.3 Ritual form and the Greek evidence
5. Eschatology, mysteries and hero cults
Essay 5.1 How mystical were the Eleusinian Mysteries?
Essay 5.2 Texts to accompany the dead
Essay 5.3 Three heroic founders
6. Memory, continuity and change
Essay 6.1 Memory and the Molpoi
Essay 6.2 Heracles as a Pan-Mediterranean deity
Essay 6.3 origins of Sarapis.

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