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Playful pedagogies : promoting active learning through play and imagination in the early years of school / Susan Irvine
Petting zoos and little dark spaces : fantasy to inform school design / Derek Bland
Letters of gratitude : a pedagogy of hope for teachers of young people with disabilities / Jennie Duke
"Just use your imagination" : a teacher educator's explorations of assessment / Gill Rutherford, with Lucy Collins-McKenzie, Alex McLeod, Courtney Ross, & Aisha Williams
Creativity for engagement and inclusion / Carly Lassig
Imagining ourselves as 21st century learners making space to learn / Jill Willis
The power of creative, critical and empathetic imagination to shape transformative opportunities in the teaching of literacy / Vicky Duckworth
Re-imagining Indigenous education through flexi-schooling / Marnee Shay
Feeling futures : the embodied imagination and intensive time / Anna Hickey-Moody, Valerie Harwood, & Samantha McMahon
Ethical imagination and the inclusive education agenda : the case of low-income countries / Bill Atweh & Mellony Graven
Imagination for inclusion : shared understandings across diverse contexts of educational practice / Donna Tangen & Louise Mercer
From stone to stone across the unknown sea / John J. Cimino, Jr.

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