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Table of Contents
Introduction: "sweet science"
Blake's mundane egg: epigenesis and milieux
Equivocal life: Goethe's journals on morphology
Tender semiosis: reading Goethe with Lucretius and Paul de Man
Growing old together: Lucretian materialism in Shelley's The triumph of life
A natural history of violence: allegory and atomism in Shelley's The mask of anarchy
Coda: old materialism, or romantic Marx.
Blake's mundane egg: epigenesis and milieux
Equivocal life: Goethe's journals on morphology
Tender semiosis: reading Goethe with Lucretius and Paul de Man
Growing old together: Lucretian materialism in Shelley's The triumph of life
A natural history of violence: allegory and atomism in Shelley's The mask of anarchy
Coda: old materialism, or romantic Marx.