

Foreword / Michelle Alexander
Part I: Sue
Now what?
Land of opportunity
Daddy's girl
Hit the road
The sacrifice
Things you don't talk about
The life
From the skillet to the frying pan
No justice, no peace
A new drug
Incarceration nation
Collateral damage
The revolving door
The vicious cycle
Hurt people
A tale of two systems
A way out
Finding purpose
Part II: Ms. Burton
A new way of life
The wall of no
Who's profiting from our pain?
Women and prison
A kindred spirit
Taking food off the table
Broke leg house
From trash to treasure
All of us or none
Treating the symptoms and the disease
The meaning of life
The women from Orange County
Being beholden
Living an impossible life
The house that discrimination built
Women organizing for justice and opportunity
What would Ms. Sybil Brand think?
Without representation
Prop 47
The movement
The arc bends toward justice.

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