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Preface by the European Commission; Acknowledgement; Contents; Introduction: The Mandate for Entrepreneurship Education; 1 Background of European Entrepreneurship Education; 2 Contribution of This Book; 3 Twenty Cases of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education Across Europe; 4 Aspects Covered in the Cases of This Book; References; Part I: Entrepreneurship Education in Northern Europe; Lund University: Embedding Entrepreneurship in a Regional Context; 1 The Universityś Entrepreneurship Education Profile; 1.1 The Universityś Overall Approach to Entrepreneurship Education

1.2 Leadership and GovernanceImportance of Government Strategies; Importance of Entrepreneurship in the Universityś Strategy; Extent of High Level Commitment to Implementing Entrepreneurship; Level of Faculties ́and Units ́Autonomy to Act; Organisational Implementation; 1.3 Resources: People and Financial Capacity; Human Resources for Entrepreneurship Education; Financial Resources for Entrepreneurship Education; 2 Entrepreneurship in Curricula and Teaching; 2.1 Overview of Curricular Offers; 2.2 Target Groups; Main Target Groups of Entrepreneurship Education; Continuous Education

Bridges to Secondary EducationSpecificities; 2.3 Designing Lectures and Courses: Basic Curricular Decisions; Intentions and Objectives; Contents; Methods and Media; Informal Evaluation of Learning Outcomes and Feedback for Students; Using Results of Entrepreneurship Research; 2.4 Setting of Entrepreneurship Teaching; Locations; Timing; Formal Evaluation of Learning Outcomes; 2.5 Instructors: Teachers and Mentors; Professors, Other Employees and External Lecturers of the University; ``Real Entrepreneurs ́́as Teachers; Mentors; 2.6 Management of Entrepreneurship Education

Teacher and Trainer ManagementInternal and External Network Management; Evaluation of Courses and Programmes; 3 Extra-Curricular Activities Related to Entrepreneurship Education; 3.1 Overview of Extra-Curricular Entrepreneurship Activities; Box 1 Venture Cup; Box 2 Dragons at the University; Box 3 Leapfrogs; Box 4 FENA; Box 5 European EE Workshop and European Entrepreneurship Award; 4 Institutional Aspects of Entrepreneurship Education; 4.1 Organisational Set-up and Change; 4.2 Laws, Statutes and Codes; 4.3 Mindsets and Attitudes; 5 External Relationships Related to Entrepreneurship Education

5.1 Types of Relationships with External Stakeholders5.2 External Stakeholders Involved in Entrepreneurship Education; Enterprises; Alumni; Student Organisations; Support Services; Incubators; Incubator: Venture Lab; Incubator: Ideon Innovation; Incubator: The Creative Plot (TCP); Science and Technology Parks; 5.3 International Relationships; 6 Impact and Lessons Learned; 6.1 Evaluating Impacts of the Entrepreneurship Education Approach; Impact and Transferability of Entrepreneurship Education to Other Universities; 6.2 Lessons Learned; Summary of Lessons Learned from This Case; References

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