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At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Introduction to JavaScript; Brief JavaScript Background; Inside a JavaScript Program; Creating a Simple JS Program; A Quick Look at HTML; Putting JavaScript in HTML Code; Writing JS Code Within the and Tags; Writing JS Code Within the and Tags; Creating JS Code in a Separate File; Variable Declaration in JavaScript; Using Eclipse; Summary; Chapter 2: A Step Ahead in JavaScript; Window Object; Data Types in JavaScript; String; Number; Undefined

NullObject; Objects Within Objects; Boolean; The typeof Operator; Method console.log; Taking Input from the User; Commonly Used Keywords in JavaScript; Summary; Chapter 3: Operators in JavaScript; Arithmetic Operators; Addition Operator; Subtraction Operator; Multiplication Operator; Division Operator; Remainder Operator; Exponentiation Operator; Increment Operator; Decrement Operator; Unary Negation Operator; Comparison Operators; Greater Than Operator; Less Than Operator; Greater Than or Equal To Operator; Less Than or Equal To Operator; Equality and Inequality Operators; Equality Operator

Inequality OperatorStrict Equality (Identity) Operator; Non-identity/Strict Inequality Operator; Logical Operators; Bitwise Operators; Bitwise AND; Bitwise OR; Bitwise XOR; Bitwise NOT; Bitwise Left Shift; Bitwise Unsigned Right Shift; Bitwise Signed Right Shift; Coding Example; Assignment Operators; String Operator; Summary; Chapter 4: Control Structures in JavaScript; Block Statement; Conditional Statements; if...else Statement; switch Statement; Loops in JavaScript; while Loop; do...while Loop; for Loop; for...in Loop; Label Statement; Summary

Chapter 5: Regular Expressions and String MethodsRegular Expressions: An Overview; String Methods; search Method; replace Method; match Method; split Method; Regular Expression Object; Regular Expression Object Properties; constructor Property; global Property; ignoreCase Property; lastIndex Property; multiline Property; source Property; Regular Expression Object Methods; exec Method; test Method; toString Method; Summary; Chapter 6: Functions; Functions: An Overview; Declaring Functions; Using a Function Expression; Self-Invoking Functions; Named Function Expression; Anonymous Function

Using a Function DeclarationSummary Comparison of the Function Declaration and Function Expression; Function Parameters and Arguments; Missing Parameters and the undefined Value; arguments Array; Simulating Optional Parameter Passing; return Statement; Function Call; Parameter Pass by Value or Pass by Reference?; Function Naming; Summary; Chapter 7: Doing More with Functions; Hoisting in the Context of Functions; First-Class Citizens; Nested Functions; Lexical Scoping; Closures; Recursive Functions; Summary; Chapter 8: Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript

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