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Cover-Page; Half-Title; Title; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgements; Contributors; Introduction; PART I Inclusive dance pedagogy; Chapters; 1.1 Making no difference: Inclusive dance pedagogy; Introduction; Access and inclusion; Rethinking the teaching of dance 'technique'; Disability versus impairment; Adaptation or translation?; Pedagogical strategies; Teaching dance
a radical pedagogy?; Conclusions and looking to the future; Notes; References; 1.2 Developing inclusive dance pedagogy: Dialogue, activism and aesthetic transformative learning; Meeting, wondering and bringing ideas along

Seeing beyond, world- and word-makingThe Dance Laboratory and the MultiPlié dance festival; Spacious, dialogical, transformative and inclusive dance pedagogy; Concluding remarks
not only inclusion, but active change; Notes; References; Case narratives; 1.3 Beyond technique: Diversity in dance as a transformative practice; Introduction; Conclusion; 1.4 Exploring the relationship between dance and disability: A personal journey; 1.5 'Sowing Dance'
body movement for children from six months to three years old: The experience in Mesquita, Brazil

'Body and Movement' for children six months to three years oldEducation framework and arts curriculum development; Pedagogy; Conclusion; 1.6 Dance for children with developmental dyspraxia: The impact of projects of the Royal Academy of Dance, London; Background; Observations of child (referred to as A) with developmental dyspraxia in dance class; Balance and posture; Barre exercises; Floor exercises; Locomotor movements; Teaching methodology; Conclusion; Note; PART II Equality, advocacy and policy; Chapters; 2.1 Values and principles shaping community dance; Values and principles; Equity

DemocracyDiversity; Curiosity; Perseverance; Participation; Fun; Reflection; Dance for learners with special needs; Community dance; Reflection on felt change in the curriculum; References; 2.2 The ugly duckling : Stories of dance and disability from Denmark and South Africa; Strategies and practices in the dance classroom; Who says , the ugly duckling?; The ugly ducklingon tour; Notes; References; 2.3 Dance, education and participation: The ' Planters' project in Girona, Spain; The 'Planters' project
Ambar(t) ConArte; Principles and values of the 'Planters' project; Experiences to share

What were the problems for the project?Notes; References; Case narratives; 2.4 Building identity through dance: Exploring the influence of dance for individuals with special needs; Introduction; I am a dancer!; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; Note; References; 2.5 Encountering and embodying difference through dance: Reflections on a research project in a primary school in Finland; Introduction: entering the school; Reflections at the beginning of the project; Embodying (and making a) difference in the school; Conclusion; Notes; References

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