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Trauma and its impact on families / Aphrodite Matsakis
The ties that bind: resource caravans and losses among traumatized families / Jeremiah A. Schumm, Ana-Maria Vranceanu, Stevan E. Hobfoll
The partner's experience: learning to cope with chaos / Rory Remer
Selected optimization with compensation: older adults adjusting to change / Lee Hyer, Luba Rafalson, Erin L. O'Hea
Families and chronic illness: an integrative model / John S. Rolland
The transmission of trauma across generations: identification with parental trauma in children of holocaust survivors / Dani Rowland-Klein
The relationship between traumatic stress and marital intimacy / Valerie E. Whiffen, Luis E. Oliver
The quality of life among survivors' loved ones / Marianne Amir, Rachel Lev-Wiesel
The systemic impact of traumatized children / Briana Nelson, Kami L. Schwerdtfeger
Adult attachment and trauma / Robert T. Muller, Erin Kraftcheck, Lise A. McLewin
Social support and traumatic stress / Summer Sherburne Hawkins, Sharon L. Manne
The effectiveness of marital and family therapy for stress and trauma / Jay Lebow, Kathleen Newcomb Rekart
Assessment and treatment of trauma from a Bowen family systems theory perspective / Steven M. Harris, Glade L. Topham
A strengths-based approach to child and family assessment / Jane Gilgun
Multi-system assessment of stress & health (MASH) model / David H. Olson
The contextual treatment of abuse / Steven Gold
The ecological approach to incestuous families / James W. Maddock, Noel R. Larson
When a family deals with loss: adaptational challenges, risk, and resiliency / Froma Walsh, Monica McGoldrick
Family crisis intervention / Chrys J. Harris
Enhancing resilience through multiple family groups / Karen Stoiber, Rebecca J. Ribar, Gregory A. Waas
Psychoeducational treatment of stressed and traumatized couples / Claire Rabin, Zev Apel
Object relations couples therapy with trauma survivors / Dennis Miehls, Kathryn Basham
Facing the dragon together: emotionally focused couples therapy with trauma survivors / Susan M. Johnson
Critical interaction therapy with traumatized couples / David Read Johnson
Acceptance and commitment therapy for sexual abuse survivor couples / Mandra L. Rasmussen Hall, Victoria M. Follette.

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