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The changing international and conceptual environments of development co-operation / Olav Stokke
Austrian aid policy / Michael Obrovsky
Belgian aid policies in the 1990s / Nathalie Holvoet and Robrecht Renard
British aid policy in the short Blair years / Oliver Morrissey
Danish aid policy in the post-cold war period / Gorm Rye Olsen
Finland / Juhani Koponen with Lauri Siitonen
French development co-operation policy / Jean-Jacques Gabas
Germany's development co-operation policy since the early 1990s / Guido Ashoff
The foreign aid policy of Ireland / Helen O'Neill
Trends in the debate on Italian aid / José Louis Rhi-Sausi and Marco Zupi
A new member of the G-0.7 / Paul Hoebink
All in the name of quality / Lau Schulpen
Norwegian aid policy / Olav Stokke
Spanish foreign aid / José Antonio Alonso
Swedish development co-operation in perspective / Anders Danielson and Lennart Wohlgemuth
Swiss development co-operation / Catherine Schmperli Younossian
The European union?s development policy / Gorm Rye Olsen.

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