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At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1: Getting Started; What You Need to Know; Hexi and Ga; The Source Code; Chapter 2: Using Tiled Editor; Choosing Your Images; Making a Map; Setting Images Properties; Using Layers; Building the Map; Understanding the JSON Map Data; Using JSON Data to Build the Level; Deciding How to Use the Data; The Game Code API; Writing the makeTiledWorld Function; Creating the Game World; Creating the Sprites; Changing the Sprite's Depth Layer; A Scrolling World Camera; Summary

Chapter 3: Tile-Based CollisionUnderstanding Tile-Based Collision; Collecting Items; Designing the Game World; Initializing the Game World; Understanding the Bomb Map; Moving the Alien in Alignment with the Grid; Collisions with Moving Sprites; Checking Collisions by Comparing Array Locations; Giving the Bombs a Random Direction; Collision Detection; Using Corner Points; A Reusable Tile-Based Collision Function; Using Inverse Collision Detection to Check for Obstacles; Tile-Based Collision for Role Playing Games; Defining the Collision Area; Collisions with Obstacles; Collisions with Items

Moving the Sprite in the Game LoopIs the Sprite Centered Over a Tile Cell?; Finding the Valid Directions; The Tiles Surrounding the Sprite; The Valid Directions; Can the Monster Change Direction?; Choosing a Random Direction; Converting the Direction String to a Velocity Number; Hunting the Alien; Calculating the Vector; Finding the Closest Direction; Line of Sight; Calculating the Vector; Finding the Positions of the Collision Points; Testing the Points for Collisions with Obstacles; The lineOfSight Function; Tile-Based Line of Sight; Tile-Based Collision; Limiting the Angle

The tileBasedLineOfSight FunctionSummary; Chapter 6: Finding the Shortest Path; Understanding A*; Calculating Costs; Finding the Second Step; Linking the Nodes Through Their Parents; A* in Code; Creating a Node Map; The shortestPath Function; Using the shortestPath Function; Understanding Heuristics; Rounding Corners; Walking the Path; Extending and Customizing A*; Variable Terrain; Influence Map; Dijkstra's Algorithm; Summary; Chapter 7: More Fun with Tile-Based Games; Using Extra Game Data for AI Systems; Storing Hidden Game Data in Arrays; Adding an AI Controlled Car

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