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Preface; Contents; Contributors; Part I: The Governance and the Reforms in Progress; Transparency and Democracy in the Governance of the International Monetary Fund and Reforms in Progress: A Voting Power Analys...; 1 The Reforms; 2 Real and Apparent Voting Power; 3 Weighted Voting and Voting Power Analysis; 4 Weighted Voting in the IMF Governors; 5 Impact of the Reforms on Voting Power Distribution; 6 Gainers and Losers of Voting Power; 7 Conclusions; Appendix; References; The Evolution of the International Monetary Fund in Response to the Global Financial Crisis; 1 Introduction

2 The Adequacy of Fundś Resources and the Role of Quotas3 The Legitimacy Problem of the Fund and the Quota Shares; 4 The Review of the Lending Instruments of the Fund; 5 Conclusions; References; China and The IMF: A Troubled Relationship; 1 Introduction; 2 The Beijing Consensus: A Successful Model?; 3 The Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization: The Seed of an Emerging Asian Monetary Fund; 4 The Inclusion of Renminbi in the Basket of IMF Special Drawing Rights; 5 The Representation of China Inside the Fund: Concluding Remarks; References

The New Development Bank: Another BRICS in the Wall?1 Introduction: The Missed Reform of International Monetary Fund as a Driving Force for BRICS Countries; 2 The New Development Bank; 3 The NDBś Governance and the Impact on Membership; 4 Outlook and Final Remarks; References; Part II: The Constitutionalization of the ``Washington Consensus ́́in the European Union; From Washington Consensus to Brussels Consensus; 1 Introduction; 2 The New Classicism; 3 The Maastricht Treaty: The Consensus in the Constitution; 4 Global Death and European Resurgence of the Washington Consensus

5 The IMF Mea Culpa6 Conclusion; References; The Constitutionalization of the Washington Consensus in the European Union: Giving up the Social Market Economy; 1 The Washington Consensus and Its Influence on Bretton Woods Institutions; 2 The Treaty of Maastricht and Its Limits; 3 The Washington Consensus and Its Influence on the Maastricht Treaty; 4 No Changes in the European Approach to Monetary and Economic Policy Despite the Crisis; 5 Concluding Remarks; References; Participatory Democracy Within the Revision of the European Economic Governance Due to the Euro-Zone Crisis

1 Introductory Remarks2 The Debate on the Weak Democratic Legitimacy of the Revised Governance; 3 Democracy Under the Treaty on the European Union as Revised by the Lisbon Treaty; 4 Participatory Democracy Within the European Union and Within Named International Economic Organizations; 5 Conclusion; References; Brexit. Europe Betrayed?; 1 The Island and Brussels; 2 Creative Austerity; 3 Speculation: From Exchange Rates to Sovereign Debt; 4 Brexit and the P Factor; References; Part III: Accountability and Independent Complaint Mechanisms; Independent Accountability Mechanisms

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