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At a Glance; Contents; About the Authors; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Part I: Visual Studio 2017 and .NET Core; Chapter 1: Introducing Entity Framework Core; The SpyStore Database; Installing Visual Studio 2017 and .NET Core; Installing Visual Studio; Installing the .NET Core SDKs; The .NET Core Command Line Interface (CLI); Creating and Configuring the Solution and Projects; Creating the Solution and Projects; Changes to the Project Files; Updating the Target Framework; Working with NuGet Packages; Manually Restoring Packages

Restoring Packages from the CLIRestoring with Package Manager Console; Adding the Project References; Adding Entity Framework Core; Adding EF Packages to the SpyStore.DAL Project; Installing/Updating Packages Using the SpyStore.DAL.csproj File; Adding EF Packages to the SpyStore.Models Project; Adding Packages to the SpyStore.DAL.Tests Project; Building the Foundation; Understanding the DbContext Class; Creating the StoreContext Class; Understanding the DbSet Collection Type; Connection Resiliency; Custom Connection Strategies; Building the Base Entity Class; Entity Framework Conventions

Data Annotations Support in EF CoreAdding Data Annotations to the EntityBase Class; Adding the Category Model Class; Adding the Categories DbSet; Migrations; Executing EF .NET CLI Commands; Creating the First Migration; Removing a Migration; Applying the Migration; Viewing the Database; Creating Migration SQL Scripts; Understanding CRUD Operations Using Entity Framework; Creating Records; Reading Records; No-Tracking Queries; Updating Records; Concurrency Checking; Updating Using Entity State; Deleting Records; Deleting Using Entity State; Unit Testing EF Core

Creating the CategoryTests ClassCreating and Running the First Test; Testing EF CRUD Operations; Test Adding a Category Record; Test Retrieving All Category Records; Test Updating a Category Record; Test Deleting a Category Record Using Remove; Test Deleting a Record Using EntityState; Testing Concurrency Checking; Adding the Core Repository Interface and Base Class; Adding the IRepo Interface; Adding the Base Repository; Adding the Category Repository; Summary; Chapter 2: Building the Data Access Layer with Entity Framework Core; The SpyStore Database; Navigation Properties and Foreign Keys

Handling Display NamesMixing EF with Stored Procedures and Functions; Finishing the Model Classes; Updating the Category Model; Adding the Product Model; Adding the Shopping Cart Record Model; Adding the Order Model; Adding the Order Detail Model; Adding the Customer Model; Updating the StoreContext; Adding the DbSet Properties for the Models; Finishing the Model with the Fluent API; Creating the Unique Index for Email Addresses on the Customer Table; Setting Default Values on the Order Table; Creating the Computed Column for Order Details

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