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1. Introduction: Building Justice in the Wake of Atrocities
2. A Fight for Inclusion: The Transforming Role of Victims in Transitional Justice Processes
3. Truth: Chasing an Illusion?
4. Reconciliation: A Journey "From Madness to Hope"
5. Amnesties: Juggling Tensions within the Transitional Justice Discourse
6. The Origins of International Criminal Accountability: The Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals
7. International Criminal Justice Revisited: The Ad-Hoc Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda
8. The Hybrid Experiment: Assessing the Special Court for Sierra Leone
9. Healing a Wounded Nation: The Reconciliatory Paradigm of Truth Commissions
10. Adapting the Perspective: The Role of Bottom-Up Initiatives
11. "No Hay Paz Sin Trabajo": Incorporating Indigenous Perspectives in the Struggle for a More Meaningful Justice
12. Conclusions: Justice beyond Rhetoric.

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