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The EU in UN Politics; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Contributors; Abbreviations; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1 The EU in UN Politics: Analytical and Empirical Challenges; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 The Analytical Framework of the Book; 1.2.1 Parameters Conditioning the EU International Performance; 1.3 Structure of the Book; Note; References; 2 Speaking with One Voice: Easier Said than Done? The EU in the UNGA; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 The EU at the UN: Empirical Observations; 2.3 Theory: Preparing a Single Voice; 2.4 An Empirical Plausibility Probe: EU Coordination in New York

2.5 ConclusionsNotes; References; 3 The Politics of UNGA Resolution 65/276: A Tale of the EU Performance in the UNGA; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 In Quest of a Single Voice in the UNGA; 3.3 The EU in Action: How Did the EU Perform?; 3.4 Conclusions; Notes; References; 4 Evidence from the EU Presence at UNGA: In Pursuit of Effective Performance; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 EU Output at UNGA; 4.3 EU Outcome at UNGA; 4.3.1 EU Oral Interventions; 4.3.2 EU Voting Behavior; 4.3.3 Sponsoring of Resolutions; 4.3.4 An Assessment of Resolution 65/276; 4.4 Conclusions; Notes; References

5 The European Union in the United Nations: Coordination on Peacekeeping Missions5.1 Introduction; 5.2 An Overview of UN Peacekeeping Missions; 5.2.1 The Range and Scope of UN Missions; 5.2.2 The Role of the UNSC in Peacekeeping; 5.2.3 The Role of the UNGA in Peacekeeping; 5.3 The Role of the EU in UN Peacekeeping Operations; 5.3.1 'Natural Partners' in Peacekeeping; 5.3.2 Challenges and Limitations of EU-UN Collaboration; 5.4 EU Voting Cohesion on Peacekeeping Operations in the UNGA; 5.4.1 Voting Patterns of EU Member States on Peacekeeping Resolutions

5.4.2 Assessing EU Voting Cohesion on UN Peacekeeping Resolutions5.4.3 Preference Alignment of EU Member States on Selected Peacekeeping Resolutions; 5.5 Conclusions; Notes; References; 6 The EU in the Third Committee of UNGA; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 EU Output in the Third Committee; 6.3 EU Outcome in the Third Committee; 6.4 EU Impact on the Third Committee; 6.5 Conclusions; Notes; References; 7 The EU Performance in the Case of the International Moratorium on Death Penalty; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 EU Output; 7.3 EU Outcome; 7.4 EU Impact; 7.5 Conclusions; Notes; References

8 The EU's Contribution to 'the Strict Observance and the Development of International Law' at the UNGA Sixth Committee8.1 Introduction: A Fundamental EU Objective; 8.2 The Rise of EU Practice on International Law; 8.3 The 'Output' Dimension: How Does the EU Organise Itself? A Tale of Two Cities; 8.3.1 Brussels-Based Dynamics: The Example of COJUR; 8.3.2 Coordination on the Ground; 8.4 The 'Outcome' Dimension: EU Action in the UNGA Sixth Committee; 8.4.1 EU Statements at the UNGA Sixth Committee: Practice and Content

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