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Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; 1 Introduction; Construct Validity Theory: The Core Concepts; The 'Construct' Concept; Construct Validity; The Many Faces of CVT; CVT, Psychological Measurement, and Testing Theory: Overlap and Departures; Organization of the Book; A Brief Note on Terminology and Notation; References; Part I The Historical Dimension of Construct Validity; 2 Historical Precursors and EarlyTesting Theory; Test Theory for Mental Measurements; Classical Versus Modern Test Theories; Reliability and Validity; Spearman's Legacy in Two Important Works

The Birth of Classical Test TheoryThe Birth of Factor Theory: A Prelude to Modern Test Theory (MTT); Major Implications of Spearman's Works; Early Developments in Test Theory; Early Classical Test Theory: Emphasis on Reliability of Measurement; Axioms of Classical Test Theory; Early Developments in Modern Test Theory: Emphasis on Structure; Early Conceptions of Test Validity; References; 3 The Birth of Construct Validity Theory; Two Areas of Controversy; The Fragmenting of Validity; Hypothetical Constructs and Intervening Variables; A New Conception of Validity

The Birth of Construct Validity TheoryThe Technical Recommendations; C The Central Theses of Early CVT; The Central Theses; References; 4 Construct Validity: Developments and Debates; Early Reactions to CVT: Critiques, Endorsements, and Extensions; Early Extensions of CVT; Loevinger (1957): Construct Validity as the "Whole of Validity"; Campbell and Fiske (1959): Construct Validation Through MTMM; Important Advances in Psychometric Theory and Methods; Developments in Factor Analytic and Item Response Theory and Methods; Generalizability Theory: An Extension of the True Score Model

Early Developments in the StandardsDevelopments of the Originators; References; 5 Recent Accounts of (Construct) Validity; Messick: Meaning and Value in Validity; The Unitarian Conception of Validity; Construct Representation and Relevance: Sources of Validity Evidence; Messick's View on the Ontology of Constructs; Messick's Legacy; Other Developments in Validity Theory; Validity Based on Processes and Causes; Argument-Based Validation Frameworks; Appealing to Content; Later Developments in the Standards; References; Part II The Philosophical Dimension of Construct Validity

6 The Philosophical Backdrop of Construct ValidityThe Philosophy of Science Backdrop; Logical Positivism; Operationism; The Fall of Logical Positivism; Scientific Realism; Logical Empiricism; Logical Empiricists' Realist Turn; A Changing Conception of Theories; Adjustments to the View of Meaning; Laying the Cornerstone: The Imprint of Logical Empiricism on CVT; References; 7 Philosophical Sketches of Construct Validity Theory; The Philosophical Foundations of CVT; Positivist Stances; Borsboom and Colleagues; Other Positivist Stances; Realist Stances; Rozeboom, Maraun, and Slaney

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