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Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Abbreviations; 1 Introduction to Endohedral Fullerenes with the C60 Cage; Abstract; 1.1 Fullerenes; 1.2 Endohedral Metallo[60]Fullerenes; 1.2.1 Origin of Endohedral [60]Fullerenes Studies; 1.2.2 Extraction and Purification of Endohedral Metallo[60]Fullerenes; 1.2.3 Chemical Modification of Endohedral Metallo[60]Fullerenes; 1.2.4 Endohedral Metallo[60]Fullerenes with Late Transition Metals; 1.3 Endohedral Nonmetal-Containing [60]Fullerenes; 1.3.1 High Temperature and Pressure for Noble Gas Encapsulation; 1.3.2 Molecular Surgery for Encapsulation

1.3.3 Nitrogen Atom-Containing [60]Fullerenes1.4 Endohedral Lithium-Containing [60]Fullerenes; References; 2 History of Li@C60; Abstract; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Detection of Alkali Metal-Containing C60; 2.3 Ion Implantation Method and Purification; 2.4 Properties of Li@C60 in Early Research; 2.5 Conclusion; References; 3 Synthesis and Characterization of Lithium-Ion-Containing Fullerene; Abstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 "Plasma Shower Method" for Efficient Encapsulation of Lithium Atom in the C60 Cage; 3.3 Oxidation of Li@C60 to Li+@C60; 3.4 Purification Protocol

3.5 Characterization of Li+@C603.6 Conclusion; References; 4 Li+@C60 Salts: Crystal Structures and Properties; Abstract; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Crystal Structure of [Li+@C60]PF {_{6}}^{
} ; 4.3 Crystal Structure of [Li+@C60]SbCl {_{6}}^{
} ; 4.4 Enhanced Solubility Through Counter Anion Exchange; 4.5 Conclusion; 4.6 Experimental; References; 5 Chemical Modification of Li+@C60; Abstract; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Reaction with Diazoalkane: Synthesis of Li+@PCBM; 5.3 Diels-Alder Reactions of Li+@C60; 5.3.1 Diels-Alder Reaction of Li+@C60 with Cyclopentadiene

5.3.2 Diels-Alder Reaction of Li+@C60 with Cyclohexadiene5.4 Crystal Structure Determination of [5,6]- and [6,6]-Li+@C61Ph2; 5.5 Hydroxylation of Li+@C60; 5.6 Organometallic Complex of Li+@C60; 5.7 Supramolecular Complex of Li+@C60; 5.8 Conclusion; 5.9 Experimental; References; 6 Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Li+@C60; Abstract; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Photoexcited State of Li+@C60; 6.3 Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reduction of Li+@C60; 6.4 Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Supramolecular Systems; 6.5 Ion-Induced Electron Transfer

6.6 Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Three-Component Supramolecular Systems6.7 Supramolecular Photovoltaic Systems Using Li+@C60; 6.8 Conclusion; References; 7 Neutral Li@C60: A Hydrogen-Like Superatom; Abstract; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Lithium-Ion-Containing [60]Fullerene (Li+@C60) and Lithium-Containing [60]Fullerene (Li@C60); 7.3 Ionic Conductivity of Li+@C60 Solution: Use as an Organic Electrolyte; 7.4 Electrochemical Reduction of Cationic Li+@C60: Isolation and Structural Determination of Neutral Li@C60; 7.5 Superatomic Character: Simplest Superatom, Li@C60; 7.6 Conclusion

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