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Invited Papers
Supporting Users in Data Outsourcing and Protection in the Cloud
Native Cloud Applications: Why Monolithic Virtualization is Not their Foundation
Delegated Audit of Cloud Provider Chains using Provider Provisioned Mobile Evidence Collection
Trade-offs based Decision System for Adoption of Cloud-based Services
Toward Proactive Learning of Multi-layered Cloud Service based Application
Map Reduce Autoscaling over the Cloud with Process Mining Monitoring
Detecting Anomaly in Cloud Platforms using a Wavelet-based Framework
Security SLA in Next Generation Data Centers, the SPECS Approach
Dynamically Loading Mobile/Cloud Assemblies
Investigation of Impacts on Network Performance in the Advance of a Microservice Design
An Universal Approach for Compliance Management Using Compliance Descriptors
Fostering the Reuse of TOSCA-based Applications by Merging BPEL Management Plans
Experimental Study on Performance and Energy Consumption of Hadoop in Cloud Environments
Towards a Framework for Privacy-preserving Data Sharing in Portable Clouds
Cost Analysis Comparing HPC Public Versus Private Cloud Computing
Ming: Model- and View-based Deployment and Adaptation of Cloud Datacenters
A Generic Framework for Representing Context-aware Security Policies in the Cloud
Towards Outsourced and Individual Service Consumption Clearing in Connected Mobility Solutions.

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