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Campaigning Culture and the Global Cold War; Preface; Notes; Contents; Abbreviations; List of Tables; Introduction: Journals of Freedom?; The Historiography of the CCF; The Journals; Positioning the Journals; Endings and Beginnings; Notes; Part I Science; Science and Freedom: The Forgotten Bulletin; A House Organ for the Polanyis; The Limits of Freedom; Ambitions Curtailed; Conclusion; Notes; Consensus, Civility, Community: Minerva and the Vision of Edward Shils; Science and Freedom: The Parentage of Minerva; Minerva and its Owls; Minerva Over Three Decades: 1962-1995; The Future; Notes

Part II Europe Der Monat and the Congress for Cultural Freedom: The High Tide of the Intellectual Cold War, 1948-1971; Der Monat's Origins; Der Monat's Political Outlook; The CCF in Germany; An Unstable Future; Conclusion; Notes; The Difficult Emergence of an 'Anti-Totalitarian' Journal in Post-War France: Preuves and the Congress for Cultural Freedom; The Aborted Project for a 'Great European journal'; Preuves: From a 'Bulletin' to a Full-fledged Journal; Editorial Policy; Preuves within the CCF's Overall Strategy; Conclusion; Notes

'Our greatest Asset': Encounter Magazine and the Congress for Cultural FreedomNotes; Beyond the Cold War: Tempo Presente in Italy; Silone and Chiaromonte: A Complex Friendship**; Tempo Presente: Three Phases**; Tensions with the CCF*; Conclusion*; Notes; 'Vienna is Different': Friedrich Torberg's Journal Forum, the Congress for Cultural Freedom, and Competing Soft-Power Strategies in the Cold War; The Cultural Context of Forum; Editing Forum; Conclusion; Notes; Tracking the Bear: Survey; Into the 1970s; Conclusion; Notes; Part III Latin America

Cuadernos del Congreso por la Libertad de Cultura (1953-1965) and the Failure of a Cold War Liberal Project for Latin AmericaEstablishing the CCF Program: Spanish Exiles and the Liberal Intelligentsia; The Problem of the Journal's Content; The Cuban Revolution and the 'Sinistra' Opening; Conclusion; Notes; Mundo Nuevo: Behind the Scenes of a Spanish Encounter; The CCF Years and the Preciosity of the Merely Literary; The Ford Foundation Years and the Price for Becoming Truly Latin American; Assessing Mundo Nuevo; Notes; Part IV Africa and the Middle East

Cold War in the Arabic Press: Ḥiwār (Beirut, 1962-67) and the Congress for Cultural FreedomThe Congress for Cultural Freedom's Arabic Operations: Rome, Cairo, Beirut; Suspicions of Complicity and Empire; Scandal and the Collapse of Ḥiwār; Conclusion; Notes; Black Orpheus and the African Magazines of the Congress for Cultural Freedom; The Move into Africa; Black Orpheus: A Journal of African and Afro-American Literature; 1957-1960: A 'Propaganda Magazine'; 1961-1964: 'Coming to the Rescue'; An African Encounter; Conclusion: The CCF and Cultural Modernism in Africa; Notes; Part V Asia

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