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Chapter 1. The Human Y Chromosome
Chapter 2. Development of Gonads and Accessory Sex Glands
Chapter 3. The Testis
Chapter 4
Chapter 5. Seminal Vesicles
Chapter 6. Genital Ducts & Other Accessory Sex Glands
Chapter 7. Neurovascular Supply and Lymphatic Drainage of Male Reproductive Organs
Chapter 8
Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal Testicular Axis
Chapter 9. Testicular Hormones
Chapter 10. Spermatogenesis. Chapter 11
The Human Semen. Chapter 12
The Basis of Sperm Function Tests
Chapter 13
Male Puberty
Chapter 14
Male Sexual Function. Chapter 15
Brain Areas Regulating Behavior
Chapter 16. Neural Pathways of Behavior
Chapter 17. Brain Sexual Dimorphism
Chapter 18. Immunology of Male Reproductive System
Chapter 19. Male Ageing and Andropause
Chapter 20. Primary Testicular Failure
Chapter 21. Biology of Male Hermaphrodite and Intersex
Chapter 22. Thyroid and Male Reproduction
Chapter 23. Metabolic Disorders and Male Reproduction
Chapter 24. Gynecomastia
Chapter 25. Male Contraception and Endocrine Disrupters.

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