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Chapter 1: Situating Sexuality in the Caribbean
Karen Carpenter
Chapter 2: Gender-Role Stereotypes & Culture in Jamaica and Barbados
K.G Walters & Karen Carpenter
Chapter 3: Emotional-Social Intelligence and Sexuality among Jamaican Adolescents
Samantha Longman Mills
Chapter 4: Women Who Have Sex With Women in Jamaica
Karen Carpenter
Chapter 5: Trust Erodes Fear: a Psychosocial Perspective on Sexual Risk Taking among Men Who Have Sex With Men
Matthew Linden Mckenzie
Chapter 6: One Love out of Many? A Comparative Study on the Nature of Sexual Communication in Polyamory and Monogamy in the Caribbean
Steffon R.K. Campbell
Chapter 7: Psychological Assessment and its Impact on Transsexual Care in the Jamaican Context
Caryl James
Chapter 8: "Into-Me-See": Breaking Down Intimacy for the Jamaican Landscape
Kai A.D. Morgan
Chapter 9: Identity Achievement as a Predictor of Intimacy in Young Urban Jamaican Adults
Michele Ann Strudwick-Alexander.

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