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Editors and Contributors; 1 Introduction: Thinking Globally and Acting Locally-Exploring the Relationships Between Community, Archaeological Heritage, and Local Government; Introduction; Urban Archaeology Versus Municipal Archaeology; The Focus of This Book; The Case Studies in the Book; Section I; Section II; Conclusion; References; The Challenges and Accomplishments of Local Government Archaeology Programs in the Commonwealth of Nations; 2 Planning Archaeology in World Cities: Looking at London; Introduction; A Brief Introduction to Greater London; Archaeology and Planning

The Background of London's ArchaeologyPart I: An Issue of Access and Funding; Part II: The Rescue Movement and the Setting up of Archaeological Units; Part III: A Change in the Organisational Landscape; London's Archaeology Today; An Archaeological Archive; Roles, Partnerships and Communities; Concluding Discussion: Why It Works, or Does It?; References; 3 Preservation, Participation and the Pursuit of Knowledge: Strategic Policy and Archaeological Practice Within the City of York 1989-2015; Introduction; Before 1972; 1972-1989; 1989-2015; References; 4 Crowdsourcing the Story of Bristol

IntroductionThe Past in the Landscape; Digitising Place; The Heritage Information Cycle; Getting to Know Your Place; Crowdsourcing the Story of Place; Towards a Shared Understanding; Sourcing the Crowd; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; 5 Archaeological Resource Management in Toronto: Planning, Preservation, and Interpretation; Introduction; Legislative Background; Toronto's Heritage Policies; Archaeological Management Planning in Ontario: The Toronto Process; Community Involvement and Public Outreach; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References

6 Under the Old Stones of Kingston, Ontario: The City of Kingston Archaeological Master Planning Process (1987-2011)Introduction; Municipal Planning and Archaeology; The Ontario Context; Placing Kingston; Kingston Archaeology; Kingston's Archaeological Master Plans; The Outer Station Site: The Benefits of Creative Planning; The Artillery Park Project; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; 7 Quebec City's Archaeological Programme and Provincial Cultural Heritage Legislation; Introduction: Quebec City; Heritage Legislation and Approaches to Archaeology in the Province of Quebec

Archaeology and the Municipal AdministrationGeneral Approach; Public Benefits; The City and the 2012 Cultural Heritage Act; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; 8 Archaeology Down Under: Management and Outcomes in the First State in Australia; Introduction; Early Concerns and Initial Legislation; Colonial Sites in Sydney; The National Level; The Local Level; The NSW Heritage Act and Archaeology; The City of Sydney; The Rocks; The Push for Public Outcomes; The Quadrant; Highlands Marketplace; Parramatta; The Wheatsheaf Hotel; Port Macquarie; Conclusion; References

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