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Preface / Duncan P.McKinnon and Bryan S. Haley
New developments in archaeological remote sensing : an introduction / Duncan P. McKinnon and Bryan S.Haley
Part 1. Site structure and community organization
Multisensor remote sensing at Spiro : discovering intrasite organization / Scott W. Hammerstedt, Jami J. Lockhart, Patrick C. Livingood, Tim Mulvihill, Amanda L. Regnier, George Sabo III, and John R.Samuelsen
Investigating Mississippian community organization with geophysics : two examples from the Tennessee River Valley / Shawn M. Patch, Sarah Lowry, and Erin Pritchard
Evaluating the use of community space at two Southeastern mound centers using magnetic gradient and surface collection data / Duncan P. McKinnon and Bryan S. Haley
At the tip of an amplitude wave : the role of terrestrial remote sensing in twenty-first century Grand Canyon archaeology debates / Philip B. Mink II
Part 2. Technological transformation and economic change
A remote sensing approach to studying land use change in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico / Jennie O. Sturm
Examining agricultural surplus at Huff Village, North Dakota : combining archaeological and remote sensing data / Adam S. Wiewel
Transformation in technologies : a look at Basketmaker III archaeology in Southwestern Colorado / Shanna Diederichs, Margaret Watters, Duncan P. McKinnon, and Bryan S. Haley
Part 3. Archaeological landscapes
Conceptualizing the anthropogenic islands of Southern Florida with LiDAR / Victor D. Thompson
Magnetic susceptibility for historical archaeological sites and landscapes / Daniel P. Lynch and Rory Becker
Anthropologically focused geophysical surveys and public archaeology : engaging present-day agents in placemaking / Edward R. Henry, Philip B. Mink II, and W. Stephen McBride
Part 4. Earthen mound construction and composition
The role of geophysics in evaluating structural variation in Middle Woodland mounds in the Lower Illinois River Valley / Jason L. King, Duncan P. McKinnon, Jason T. Herrmann, Jane E. Buikstra, and Taylor H. Thornton
The anthropological potential of ground-penetrating radar for Southeastern earthen mound investigations : a case study from Letchworth Mounds, Tallahassee, Florida / Daniel P. Bigman and Daniel M. Seinfeld
Exploring the deepest reaches of Arkansas's tallest mounds with electrical resistivity tomography / James Zimmer-Dauphinee
Part 5. Commentary
A decade of geophysics and remote sensing in North American archaeology : practices, advances, and trends / Kenneth L. Kvamme.

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