

Why Must I Learn? / Bernard Schoebaum
A Talk to Teachers / James Baldwin
The Drill / Ed Burns
Quiz Master / Barney Tobey
People Expect Great Things From You / Bill Cosby
Athletics and the Education of Boys / Frank Deford
Dancing Through Life / Pierre Dulaine
Civilization's Thin Veneer / Vaclav Havel
The World of Music / Samuel Hazo
Dear Ann Landers / Eppie Lederer
On Not Winning the Nobel Prize / Doris Lessing
On teaching and grades / Robert Pirsig
Forget It / Bill Watterson
What Is an American Education? / Richard Rodriguez
Expressing Our Imaginations and Feelings / Harold M. Williams
Global Competition Is the New Reality / David Abney
How to get off the roof / Norman R. Augustine
Your Spaceship / Claude Smith
The Purpose of Education / Joseph A. Baley, II
Commentary / Craig R. Barrett
Competitive Edge / Robert Weber
Who, What, Why, Where? / Keith L. Black
A Nobel Prize Winner Recalls His Education / Nicolaas Bloembergen
Is Google Making Us Stupid? / Nicholas Carr
Strengthening American Competitiveness for the 21st Century / Bill Gates
Your Country's Desperate Need / Whitney Darrow, Jr.
On the Threshold of the 21st Century : Comments on Science Education / Leon M. Lederman
Great Teachers and Great Effort : Two Keys to a Great Education / Lowell Milken
The Promise of Education / Christopher Nordlinger
Demographics Must Not Be Destiny / Andy Stern
An Extraordinary Opportunity Wasted on Youth / Sam Zell
Let Teenagers Try Adulthood / Leon Botstein
Who Are You? / Barney Tobey
Remarks to UNESCO Plenary Session, Paris, France / Laura Bush
Education and the Economy / Geoffrey Canada
Regaining the Thought-Action Continuum : A New Liberal Arts / Elizabeth Coleman
How Public Education Cripples Our Kids and Why / John Taylor Gatto
Such A Mess / Joseph Mirachi
Dear Teacher / Anonymous
What Our 17-Year-Olds Know / Frederick M. Hess
This Algebra Is Driving Me Nuts! / Jeff McNelly
To Sustain the American Dream / Arthur Levine
Are There Any Questions? / Mel Lazarus
Pass or Fail / Will Okun
Where the Process Begins / Vivian Gussin Paley
Try Not To Worry / Charles E. Martin
Posteriores Calcate! / Aaron Parrett
My Graduation Speech / Neil Postman
Finding Our Way / Mike Rose
Labor and Management Must Work Together / Elaine L. Chao
American Education, American Competitiveness / Bill Clinton
A World Without Public Schools / David Gelernter
A Certain Panache / William Hamilton
A Prosperity Agenda for the 21st Century / Newt Gingrich
Huckabee Extols Higher Education / Mike Huckabee
Lifetime Earnings / Lee Lorenz
JBS on Public Education / John Birch Society
Values and Purposes of Education and Skills / Liberal Democrats Online Policy Consultation Group
Service to America / John McCain
Our Kids, Our Future / Barack Obama
Make Ripples of Your Own / Alan C. Page
Moral Strength and Education / Colin Powell
Our Day / Barbara Smaller
Speech at the South Carolina March for Equity in Education / Richard W. Riley
Statement on Public Education / American Jewish Committee
The Real Purpose of Education / Khalid Baig
That Sort Of Thing / Alice Harvey
Aims of Buddhist Education / Bhikkhu Bodhi
Winning / Lee Lorenz
The Purpose of Education / Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Lovely Innocence / Robert Weber
For Wonder, in Wonder / Martin E. Marty
The Churches and the Public Schools at the Close of the Twentieth Century / National Council of the Churches of Christ, U.S.A.
Find Your Voice as a World Citizen / Christiane Amanpour
Doing Hard Work of the Mind : Immigrants See Life Is More than Labor / Oscar Avila
Education Is Supposed to Make You Rich, Not Wealthy / Simon Barnes
Life's Report Card / William Hamilton
The Biggest Issue / David Brooks
The Purpose of Education / Tom Campbell
Hope in the Unseen / Thomas L. Friedman
The Luckiest Girl / Nicholas D. Kristof
"Do Your Own Homework" : Asian Students Should Learn to Think for Themselves / Andrew Lam
If at First You Don't Succeed Enough / Abigail Sullivan Moore
Too Early / Robert J. Day
Memories of Mississippi and the Challenges of No Child Left Behind / Diane Rado
Build a Future We Can Be Proud Of / Tim Russert
Dealing With Hatred : How the Torrent of Anti-Americanism Affects Teenagers / Jeffrey Zaslow
"Here's The Story" / David Miller
Education for Democracy : A Statement Signed by Over 100 Distinguished Leaders / Albert Shanker Institute
Solving Problems and Building Communities / Richard Lee Colvin
On Civics Education / Richard Dreyfuss
Why Do We Educate So Many So Poorly in a Democratic Society? / Lynn Huntley
The Fundamental Purpose of Education is Democracy / Sean Kershaw
Why Educate? / Martha Minow
You Have The Right To Remain Silent / Jeff Danziger
Good Citizenship : The Purpose of Education / Eleanor Roosevelt
On My Mind : Educating for Freedom / A.M. Rosenthal.

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