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In Memoriam; Foreword; Preface; Contents; What Is Industrial Chemistry; Section 1: Raw Materials for the Chemical Process Industries; Petroleum and Its Products; Introduction; What Is Petroleum?; Primary Energy Sources Versus Energy Vectors.; Petroleum Products; People and Petroleum: A History; Ancient Times; After the Eighteenth Century; Modern Petroleum Industry; Companies; Reserves; Consumption; How Long Will It Last?; Untapped Sources of Energy: Conservation and Production Efficiency; Other Fossil Hydrocarbons; Natural Gas and Condensate; Bitumen, Asphalt, Tar; Coal and Kerogen

Properties of PetroleumDensity, Distillation, and Elemental Composition; Molecular Composition; Paraffins; Hydrocarbon Ring Compounds (Naphthenes and Aromatics); Heteroatom Compounds; Continuity Principle; Crude Assay; Origin of Petroleum; Petroleum System; Exploration; Drilling and Production; Drilling; Directional and Horizontal Drilling; Completion; Production; Well Stimulation; Fracking to Produce Hydrocarbons from Tight Formations; Heavy Oil and Bitumen Production; Kerogen Conversion; Refining; Refinery Configuration Overview

Crude Treatment, Crude Distillation, and Top-of-the Barrel ProcessingUpgrading Residue; Product Blending; Plantwide Systems; The Need for Conversion; Petroleum Refining Chemistry; Olefins: Saturation and Polymerization; Aromatics and Naphthenes: Saturation, Dehydrogenation, and Condensation; Hydrodesulfurization (HDS); Hydrodenitrogenation (HDN); Hydrodeoxygenation (HDO); Hydrodemetalation (HDM); Hydrogenative Removal of Microcarbon (HDCCR); Conversion; Chemistry of Conversion via Thermal Cracking; FCC Chemistry (Catalytic Cracking); Hydrocracking Chemistry (Catalytic)

Comparison of Catalytic and Thermal CrackingAlkylation Chemistry; Catalytic Reforming Chemistry; Isomerization Chemistry; SMR (Steam-Hydrocarbon Reforming) Chemistry; Acid/Base Treating; Claus Process Chemistry; Mercaptan Oxidation Chemistry; Catalytic NOx Removal Chemistry; Reaction Thermochemistry; Petroleum Refining Processes; Crude Oil Preprocessing; Crude Distillation; Solvent Refining; Solvent Deasphalting; Solvent Extraction; Solvent Dewaxing; Wax Deoiling; Visbreaking; Coking; Delayed Coking; Fluid Coking; Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC); FCC Feed Pretreating

FCC SOx Transfer AdditivesFCC Heat Balance; Residue FCC; FCC Gasoline Post-treating; Hydroprocessing; Hydrotreating; Fixed-Bed Hydrocracking; Ebullated Bed Hydrocracking (EBHC); Slurry-Phase Hydrocracking (SPHC); Catalytic Reforming; Isomerization; Alkylation; Modified Claus Process; Petroleum Refining Catalysts; Catalyst Manufacturing; Catalyst Deactivation; Spent Catalyst Handling; Petroleum Refinery Products; Product Specifications; Gasoline; Octane; Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP); Gasoline Blending; Reformulated Gasoline (RFG); Gasoline Additives; Ethanol in Gasoline.; Diesel Fuel

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