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Political Islam in a Time of Revolt; Contents; 1 From Revolution to Moderation: The Long Road of Political Islam; Introduction; The Sociology of Power; Circular Power Relations; Linear Power Relations; Actors; The Elites; The Population; Power Resources; System Structure; The Analysis of the Political Islam; Islamism and the Population; Ideological Pragmatism and the Abandonment of Fundamentalist Postulates; Relations with Regimes; Conclusion: Political Islam and Democracy; Structure of the Book; Notes; Bibliography

2 Political Islam in Turkey: From the Periphery to the State and Society ControlTurkey as a Case Study; Social Bases of Islamic Parties and Groups: Integrating Peripheral Groups into the System; The Nature of Islamic Actors: Origins, Parties and Brotherhoods; The Islamist Parties, Erbakan's Lineage and the AKP Party; Orders, Brotherhoods and Neo-Brotherhoods; Power Resources at the Service of Islamist Actors: Ideology and Media Control, the AKP's Main Instrument

The Nature of Power Relations Between the Systems' Major Political Actors: Explaining the Favourable Change of Status for Islamist ActorsThe Ideological Discourse: Between Liberal Islam and State Control; Conclusions; Notes; Bibliography; 3 Lebanon: Islamism, Communities and Spillover of the Arab Spring; Islamism in Lebanon; The Shiite Community; Hezbollah; Power Relations and Organisational Structure; Power Resources; Alliances and Power Relations; Action, Strategies and Relations with the State; Public Discourse; Sunni Islamism; Jama'a Islamiya (JI)

Power Relations and Organisational StructurePower Resources; Alliances and Power Relations; Action, Strategies and Relations with the State; Public Discourse; Salafism; Power Relations and Organisational Structure; Power Resources; Alliances and Power Relations; Action, Strategies and Relations with the State; Public Discourse; Conclusions; Notes; Bibliography; 4 Understanding the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria; Introduction; Islamist Grassroots: The Traditional Petty Bourgeoisie; Islamist Ideology: An Insufficient Resource; Variable Action Dynamics

Pragmatics in the Relationship with the RegimeClosing the Gap with Syria's Opposition Parties from 2000 to 2011; Civil State, Minorities and Democracy; Secular State vs. Civil State in a Democratic System; Arab-Islamic Identity and the Minorities; Social Values: A Recurrent Topic; Foreign Policy; The Syrian Uprising and the Low Impact of the Brotherhood; Conclusions; Notes; Bibliography; 5 Between Pragmatism and Ideological Zeal: The Path of Palestinian Political Islam; Between Pragmatism and Ideological Zeal: The Path of Palestinian Political Islam; Social Support, Power Resources and the Debate Between Pragmatism and Ideological Zeal: Vicissitudes in the Competition Between Islamist Groups for Power.

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