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Preface; Contents; Note on Contributors; List of Figures; Chapter 1: Introduction: The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress; The Origins of Sustainability; Sustainability Today; Sustainability Tomorrow; The Anthropocene; What Sort of World Favours `Sustainability?́; What Sustainability Does for Anthropology; Making Anthropology Contemporary Again; What Is an Anthropology of Sustainability?; Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 2: Anthropology at the Time of the Anthropocene: A Personal View of What Is to Be Studied; References

Chapter 3: A Threat to Holocene Resurgence Is a Threat to LivabilityWhat Is Resurgence?; Holocene and Anthropocene: Indicators for the Human Condition; Matsutake Enables Holocene Resurgence; Ash Dieback and Anthropocene Ecologies of Extinction; A Time for Anthropology; Notes; References; Chapter 4: What Can Sustainability Do for Anthropology?; Why Thinking About Sustainability Is Good for Anthropology; What Is It That We Should Sustain?; The Challenges of Space and Time; Misconceived Alterities; Conclusion; References

Chapter 5: Interlude: Perceiving Human Nature Through Imagined Non-human SituationsChapter 6: ``They Call It Shangri-La:́́ Sustainable Conservation, or African Enclosures?; Sustainability: The Global View; East African Rangelands: From Global to Local Understandings of Sustainability; Tanzaniaś Wildlife Management Areas; Enduimet Wildlife Management Area; Participation; Local Voices: Participation; Benefits; Makame WMA; Ecological Outcomes of WMA; Local Visions of Sustainability; Discussion; Notes; References; Chapter 7: Conservation from Above: Globalising Care for Nature; Introduction

Conservation from Above or Below?The New Conservation from Above; A New Conservation from Below?; References; Chapter 8: Different Knowledge Regimes and Some Consequences for `Sustainability;́ REDD; From Trees to People; Defence Mechanism and Repression of Knowledge; Norway, REDD+, and Unintended Consequences; REDD and Situational Repression of Knowledge; What Can Be Learnt from Indigenous Knowledge?; Chewong and Lio Land Rights; In Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 9: The Viability of a High Arctic Hunting Community: A Historical Perspective; Discovery: Meeting a New People

Dispersal: Cutting the Nomadic LandscapeDislocation: Assessing Climate Change; Dispositions: Sustainability in Unbounded Environments; References; Chapter 10: Ebola in Meliandou: Tropes of `Sustainability ́at Ground Zero; Events in Meliandou; `Ebola;́ Anxiety in the Land; Black Swans and the Anthropology of `Sustainability;́ Notes; References; Chapter 11: Anthropology and the Nature-Society-Development Nexus; Introduction; A Project to Combat Social Exclusion Ecologically; Agroecology Projects as Worlds; Cultivating the Land; Sheltering with Nature; Inviting Wilderness Back; Conclusion; Notes

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